To The Eagle:
About Bill Coon’s eight tiny homes project, I forgot to mention that he plans to build it all on the left side of the single lane gravel driveway right smack dab in front of the neighbor’s back yard.
If you do drive out to see where he plans to build his project, ask yourself would you want this kind of development in your back yard? Again, we have no objection with low income/affordable housing but this is definitely not the place for it.
Toni Below
Reader Comments(1)
EveLDoer writes:
How is something like this “smack dab in FRONT” of someone’s back yard? The yard in front of one’s house is the front yard and the yard in back of the house is the back yard. If there’s a new road for this development it ought to be called NIMBY Way. SMH.
08/05/2021, 7:32 am