The Naselle-Grays River Valley School Board of directors met July 20.
In personnel matters, the board acknowledged the resignations of football coaches Jim Moten and Matthew Scrabeck. The board approved the hires of Rona Johnson, Charlene Hauge, pending background check, an extension of the contract for Justin Laine, interim principal, and Kellyn Hazen, interim intervention specialist/counselor.
A resolution was approved for adopting the 2021-22 school year budget and salary amounts for certificated staff. Also approved were overnight travel for summer school activities and events and the use of facilities for school programs.
The board renewed member Amy Chadwick as its legislative representative. In final action items, approval was granted for the purchase of a K-12 math curriculum, not to exceed $31,000, along with approving a list of surplus computers.
A handful of parents showed up to ask questions about Critical Race Theory being taught in school and the possible changes around sexual health education. Superintendent Nelson informed the parents that the recently passed legislation on both topics did not mandate teaching Critical Race Theory or changes in sexual education. Nelson stated that no changes in curriculum or district response were being planned. The district will continue to use the same curriculums as it had for the past several years and would continue to partner with Pacific County health nurses.
The next board meeting is scheduled for August 17 at 6:30 p.m.
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