Established as The Skamokawa Eagle in 1891

Flea Market at fairgrounds Saturday

Skamokawa News

COOLER--I don't know about you but these cloudy mornings, with sunny afternoons and more moderate temperatures, like in the 70s, is just right for me! I think the plants enjoyed a break from the intense heat as well, as there were many trees and shrubs showing a lot of burned areas on them, along with the curling, dead leaves on other plants. From some of the pictures I saw, some very sunburned people might be happier without the extreme heat too!

SPECIAL DAYS--Those celebrating birthdays from July 8-14 are Jaiden Mahitka, Irene Martin, Patty Dursteler, David Shrum, Mallory Bosch, Jalynn Rainey, Samantha McClain, Jamie Kincaid, Sharrel Mooers, Martha Backman,Tyler Heagy, Justin Hoven, Tony Carriker, Autumn Cochran, Adin Quintero, Lachlan Lorenzo, Melissa Robbins, Jessie Caliman, Kurtis Bergseng, Jerzie Wallin, Jayla Grasseth, Janelle Seaberg, Mary Schroder, Dean Takko, Brad Towery, Sunny Manary, Tracy Elliott, Lonney Kubacki, Ron Miller, 67'ers David West and Doug Wright and three of our grandsons: Bryce Good, Blake Sechler and Kyle Sechler. Happy Birthday, everybody!

Belated birthday wishes go out to Naomi Pedersen's youngest, as her son Blaze turned five years old this past week.

Those celebrating anniversaries this coming week are Lance and Shannon Britt, Mr. and Mrs. Dana McClain, Mr. and Mrs. David Hendrickson, Natalie Emery and Roger Wise, Ron and Esther Cothren and Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Prestegard, who are celebrating their 20th. May you all have fantastic celebrations!

THIS SATURDAY--The monthly Flea Market will be held at the Wahkiakum County Fairgrounds this Saturday, July 10, from 9 to 3, so if you're looking for a good deal, here's your chance! If you have leftover items from your sale, you may even want to buy a table for $10 and try selling some things. Call 360-795-3480 and leave a message for Patty.

If you're down here between noon and four, why not stop by and check out the new display at the historic, Redmen Hall? You'll also find a lot of great books and other items in the gift shop. Remember, Christmas isn't all that far away!

BIG HOLIDAY--How did you enjoy your big holiday? I know that the country opening up just in time for the Fourth of July festivities was certainly a huge hit where fireworks were not banned, as there were crowds everywhere and a great time was being had by all that went to the coast or to nearby Longview.

I also know that some folks on Puget Island really got a show as folks from the "other side of the creek," at Jones Beach, were really lighting up the sky, as well as others along the beaches of the Island, but while some were really thrilled about them, others with animals were not nearly as impressed. I was happy that the sometimes quite loud fireworks didn't last too long out our way, and the very pretty, more enjoyable fireworks show only lasted about an hour or so out here in West Valley, so it was all quiet by 10:30, which suited me just fine. I'm sure all the animals around us, wild and domestic, appreciated the fact that the noise and commotion was only short term and did not drag on for hours and hours. On top of that, as far as I know, there were no local fires reported due to them so Good job, folks!

BALD EAGLE DAYS--For our area, the big fireworks show at the Elochoman Sl. Marina will take place on July 17, which closes the Bald Eagle Days festivities of that day. So, for all of you new folks, be sure to check out Main Street in Cathlamet for all the vendors, the parade with music and more that day and then head down to the marina area for the activities there.

We were pleased to learn that former local resident, Laurie Miller will sing our National Anthem to start off the festivities. Laurie has auditioned and won many opportunities to sing the National Anthem at various big events like major baseball team games and also at the State Fair, where she sings prior to the big band headliner acts, and she always does a great job, so it's an honor to have her here!

MUSEUM OPENS--This will also be a chance to check out our local museum on River Street, and you'll be able to see all the new shelving and lighting that has been put in place, thanks to a handful of very dedicated, hard working individuals. If you ever wanted to get involved in your community, this is a good time to check it out and let them know you'd like to help. They are always looking for docents to man the museum on weekends, and of course, are always looking for financial assistance from the community in order to keep its doors open. So, I hope you stop by and view the history of Wahkiakum County in its new and improved setting.

67'ERS WILL GATHER--During the BED festivities, many families get together and have mini-reunions and many Wahkiakum High School graduates opt to gather as well. I'm not sure about all the classes, but I do know the Class of 1967 will get together that day, so if you know somebody in that class and you don't think they've gotten the word, please let them know to meet at Dale's house near the marina. You can contact Keith Lawrence for more info, or even me if need be.

AREA VISITORS--We met with some folks recently who were truly enjoying our picturesque area. This couple from Florida was taking a year long tour across America and as always, I was curious as to how in the world they found our little town in the midst of all the other places that are on the map! Well, it seems this couple is very tech savvy and there are actually sites who advertise the country life and lifestyle and even offer some work options for those who want to stop by and help out a land owner and stay at their place while they visit a new area. Very cool. At any rate, that's one of the things that brought this couple here and they were just very impressed with our beautiful Columbia River and the surrounding area, as well as Ronnie and Becka, the (relatively) new owners of the Skamokawa Farmstead Creamery, where they stayed. So while we may often take our local area and our local talents for granted, their comments only verified that we truly live in a very special area with very special people in the unique and wonderful place we call, Skamokawa!

NEED A GYM?--I know lots of folks who want an inside gym with air conditioning and the typical gym equipment, but until somebody wants to try that again, why not use our outdoor gym? After all, it's free! You can walk the trails at Skamokawa Vista Park or jog around the park itself; you can jog in the sand, which really gives you a work out, or you can invite a friend to a game of tennis or basketball, and if you take the right precautions, you can swim in the river as well. There's always the refuge area nearby, so many a jogger can be seen there and if you'd like to give your arms a work out, why not head to the Kayak Center on Steamboat Slough and give that a try?

I think the reason that many of us didn't feel the need for a gym was because sometimes, just "work" was a good enough "work out" for some us!

SAD NEWS--We were very sad to hear the news of the motor vehicle accident that took place near Longview this past weekend, which took the life of long time Puget Island resident, Gary Backman. Our sincere condolences go out to his wife, Martha and his children, Mike and Cheryl and the rest of the Backman family and their close friends, many of which were like family to them. Again, our deepest sympathies to all.

OUT OF THE PAST--This week back in 1946, the week started out on a very wet and nasty note, with a hail storm and lots of wind and rain by afternoon. To escape the weather, the Everests went to the movies, only it was "no good," so it wasn't too enjoyable! (No mention of the title.) Thankfully the next day was much nicer and everyone seemed to be in a better mood. One of those who was overjoyed during this time of elections, was Julia Butler Hansen, who won her race, so she was happy and the locals were all proud of her. The next day it was hot out yet cloudy, with a nice day following that and the week ended with morning rain.

Family news involved the wedding of Jeanine Walker to William Walter on July 13. She was the daughter of Mr. and Mrs George Walker of Longview; the brother to Elsie Walker Everest. The bride's sister, Mrs. Orville Mott, was the matron of honor while the groom's brother, Calvin, was the best man. The ceremony took place at St. Stephen's Episcopal Church in Longview with the reception in the church parlor afterwards. The Ralph Everest home was abuzz with family members from outside the immediate area that week. All this according to my Grandma Elsie Everest's 1946 diary.


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