Established as The Skamokawa Eagle in 1891

Downriver Dispatches

News of Western Wahkiakum County and Naselle

I hope everyone enjoyed their July 4 holiday weekend. Lots of fireworks in Grays River Valley. From east to west we had big shows of color and lights. It was about an hour of sitting in my yard to watch them. July 4 is a great summer holiday. Lots of traffic headed to the beach. Visitors and travelers came from everywhere it seemed. Moving into July let's look at what I have for you, and be sure to check Kay's column to learn about activities over KM. And don't forget Bald Eagle Days. Let's pray for good weather in July.

A celebration of life will be held for Georg (Georgina) Scott on Saturday at 12 noon at Rosburg Hall. So fitting for it to be across the river from her home. She was well known and she is missed. The gathering is open to all her friends and neighbors. Moving on into July, here's what I know so far:

Bull Riding at the Fairgrounds on July16 and Bald Eagle Days on July 16 and 17. Remember the fireworks fire off from the Cathlamet Marina at 10 p.m. on Saturday. Always a fantastic show!

Grange River Grange meets on July 13 and 27 at the Hall at 6:30 p.m.

Finnish American Folk Festival: Board meeting, July 11 at Naselle Community Center at 3 p.m.

"Wildfires" from Washington Post newspaper article: "We are at a tipping point. There is no off season anymore. One fire season bleeds into the next. Some eco systems, such as the rainy forests of the Pacific NW, are naturally dense and full of debris. Historically, these landscapes were so wet they only burned every few centuries when a rare sequence of events with extreme heat and prolonged drought combined with high winds and a lightning strike came together to set the forest ablaze. The problem now is that our weather is changing and making these rare events far more likely. The potential for fire goes from almost never to every several years."

Here in SW Washington, we now see tree after tree with brown needles from the extreme heat we just had, so let's consider how we can help keep our forests safe. Our timber is our livelihood, our county's budget, our school districts' income and our greatest resource at this point. Be careful and stay safe.

Boating Safety: Boaters, remember to practice man overboard maneuvers because we not only want life jackets on everyone, we want to avoid having the person in the water deal with a strong wake from your boat. We want skippers who can turn away from the person in the water in order to slow down, then turn back and move to the person in the water in a slow approach to make sure they can get back aboard safely. Practicing that maneuver can be key to a successful rescue. That water is cold, so move quickly but safely without a wake. Both sailboats and power boats need to practice those maneuvers regularly.

Photo of the Week: When driving on Knappton Road, it's great to see signs that say, "Plants for Sale." I stopped to visit with one at 287 Knappton Road. The old log cabin yard has so many flowers, it's like an invitation to stop and visit with the gardener. I met Consolación Patterson and her husband, Walter, who is 89 years young. Consolación is from the Phillipines. She met Walter there, and they married there. They came back to this area because he lived in Altoona for many years when he was younger. She buys plants, then separates them in the fall, and replants them in pots so they can grow for the next summer. She keeps them in a building "out back" so they are protected from the winter weather. She prefers perennial plants, including geraniums she keeps over the winter. The front of her yard has plants for sale at good prices: hostas are $5, geraniums are $10, dahlias are $13 and hydrangeas are $15. They are big plants, healthy and well fed, so they are dark green in color. She has a place out front for folks to pay for the plants. Vines and large shrubs are also available. She has a bit of trouble with English, but she can get her thoughts over if you listen carefully. Lovely lady!

Senior Lunch Schedules for July: CAP (Community Action Program) provides box lunches each Thursday at noon at Rosburg Hall located just before the Grays River Bridge as you head out Altoona/Pillar Rock Road. CAP menus: July 8: Chicken Enchiladas, Quinoa Blend, Strawberry Parfait; July 15: chicken strips, orange couscous salad, tropical fruit salad, 5 way veggies; July 22: chicken parmesan, broccoli spears, orange grapefruit salad; July 29: beef & tater bake, sliced tomatoes, sliced apricots. For reservations, call Diane Hollenbeck at (362) 762-3111.

The Senior Lunch Club meets two Wednesdays a month. The first Wednesday has a theme and the third Wednesday is a potluck. Leave a small donation if you can and give a big thank you to all the volunteer cooks and helpers in the kitchen. They do a great job. All who consider themselves seniors are welcome!

Word for the Week: Neighbors


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