To The Eagle:
Field Day is again here this coming weekend, June 26-27. During the 24-hour period from noon Saturday to noon Sunday amateur radio operators flex their antennas to see how many other radio operators from around the world they can talk with. This year we have seven members of our local club tuning up: Richard KC4ONA, Steve K7SH, Bob WB6AGE, Peter WR8Z, Ron W7ERY, Bill KJ7KMP, Jim KG7WSQ. Peter is coordinating our results for reporting to the Amateur Radio Relay League. This is a part of our emergency preparedness in Wahkiakum County in coordination with Emergency Management.
When an emergency happens that knocks out power and phone service and internet and cell service, Amateur Radio will provide the necessary back-up. We are just finishing up installing local radios in each fire hall. Once they are all in, if an emergency happens we route voice and electronic messages between the fire halls, and from the fire halls to operators like those listed above, who then send those messages to anywhere in the world. Field Day is where we make sure our equipment is ready for when we are needed. If you want to learn more or get involved, check out our website at
Ron Wright W7ERY
Puget Island
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