To The Eagle:
I see too much negativity in media today. Maybe we should look at the positive side of racial issues and Covid disease. On the bright side, Census Bureau Income Report stated: in 2019 29% of Black households had income greater than $75,000. Also American Enterprise Institute reported: Black median household income in 2019 rose by 7.9%; largest increase ever on record. To top that, Federal Reserve Survey of Consumer Finance reported: in 2017-2019 Black net worth rose 32%. The increase was not isolated to Blacks, as Hispanic net worth increased a whopping 63%. On the business side, they reported equity of Black owned businesses increased 138%. I am happy to see such wonderful news for two fantastic groups of US citizens. In April 2021 the government reported 9,300,000 vacant job openings across the USA helping to lower our national unemployment rate.
On Covid19 the good news is Cleveland Clinic Study found that people with previous Covid infection antibodies receive no additional benefit from vaccination. Also Washington University School of Medicine has concluded that mild and asymptomatic cases of Covid produce lasting immunity against future infection. These are truly positive findings about Covid19. They are supported by an Israeli study where people with prior Covid infection had as much protection against new infection as vaccinated people. Hopefully we will soon have free walk-in clinics to provide Covid antibody testing for anyone who might have had Covid. The best Covid news is CDC reports kids under age 19 have a Covid survival rate of 99.99%. A German medical panel advised that healthy young people should avoid Covid vaccination. Also Journal of AMA and Lancet articles state that Covid is not a grave threat to children. Good Covid reports are always welcome.
These positive news factoids need to be applauded as economic conditions for many are improving coast to coast. Also Covid pandemic effects on our children should be negligible. I pray for peace, tolerance and wisdom on this Flag Day, as we should all be proud to live in America.
RA Fritz
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