Established as The Skamokawa Eagle in 1891

Meet Our Seniors: Michael Menard

Michael Menard can take the heat.

He grew up on the plains in Iowa, Kansas, and Texas, and quite frankly, liked the temperature and the humidity. That's why you'll always find him wearing black and jeans, even when it's 90 degrees here.

He momentarily flashed back to life on a quiet farm in the middle of nowhere, laying on hay bales and looking up at the night sky.

"It was so nice," he said.

About six years ago, his family moved to Wahkiakum County to be closer to his paternal grandparents.

This has been kind of a rocky time with the pandemic, but Michael's favorite teachers over the years have been Jeff Pillar and Jeff Rooklidge.

"They were the two that really got me engaged in school and made me really want to try my best," Michael said. "I was afraid when I was first coming up to the high school but Mr. Pillar told me there were really cool things to do, like picking your own classes. And he would let me challenge myself to do stuff, and so I really got into robotics when I got up here."

Over the summer, Michael worked for the Youth Conservation Corps at the Julia Butler Hansen Refuge for the Columbian White-tailed Deer, maintaining the grounds. His supervisor was Mr. Rooklidge.

"That was the best," Michael said. "That was so much fun with him. He also challenges me to do my best."

Michael followed his brother into the Wahkiakum High School Broadcasting Club, even leading it for a couple years. The club went to Mule games and aired them online for the community.

"That was a lot of fun," Michael said. "I loved doing that."

He was also a member of the Robotics Club for a time, and joined the football team but unfortunately dislocated his knee on the second day of practice.

As for a favorite subject, it has to be math, but mostly because it relates to what Michael loves to do--coding and playing with computers.

Ultimately, Michael would like to be a content creator on, but he is considering several options. He loves flying drones and is considering the Air Force, where he could continue to master the craft. He's also pondering law enforcement or creating his own video games while working for Activision, but both options require a return to school, something he's not sure he wants to do.

Michael is the son of Melissa Hass and McKay Menard.


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