The GET program’s 2020-2021 enrollment period comes to a close on May 31. Washington families still have time to start saving for future college costs with the state’s 529 prepaid tuition program.
The GET program is one of two college savings options offered by Washington College Savings Plans (WA529). The DreamAhead College Investment Plan was launched in 2018 to create additional choice and flexibility for families as they plan for college costs.
The Guaranteed Education Tuition (GET) program opened in 1998, and since then, thousands of Washington families have saved billions of dollars to go towards their students’ future higher education expenses. To date, GET has distributed over $1.2 billion to more than 56,000 students who have used their GET accounts to attend college in all 50 states and at least 15 countries worldwide.
WA529’s website ( offers details, charts, planning tools and answers to questions that families may have about the program. Accounts can be opened online, and the GET Contact Center is ready to help at (800) 955-2318 or
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