Proposed opening plan
The advisory board of Johnson Park has voted to open three days a week; Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Opening day will be April 27. This will be by appointment only. Anyone wanting to use the facility can call 360-465-2310 and leave a message anytime. Messages will be checked and answered on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday mornings. Or call on those days and there will be someone at the facility during those hours. After hours events can be scheduled for use and are required to uphold the Washington’s Phased Approach, we are currently in Phase 3, these will be posted at Johnson Park. To schedule an after hour event call Toni Fest 360-465-2393. The kitchen and dining room are by event only and a board member will open the facility.
The rooms that will be open are the exercise room, sewing room, and the gym. When using the gym it is required to bring your own equipment at 50 percent capacity.
Dress A Girl will continue to drop off dresses on Thursday while the West End Food Bank is open for now.
The rooms open by appointment only will have sign in sheets. It is required by the person reserving the room to be responsible for signing in their name, and who is using the room with them.
A hand sanitizer will be at each entrance for your use and by the gym. Lysol wipes will be in the exercise and sewing rooms; please wipe down the equipment you use.
Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays were chosen to allow rooms to be cleaned, etc.
Johnson Park advisory board will be glad to answer any questions concerning the opening. We want to see the facility in full use.
Thank you for your understanding.
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