Submitted by Superintendent Lisa Nelson
The Naselle-Grays River Valley School District Board of Directors held monthly meetings on January 19 and February 16.
On January 19, Principals Laine and Flood updated the board on the school educational programs for the K-12 school and the Youth Camp respectively. At the Youth Camp, teachers are serving one residential unit per day to keep students separated by their living arrangements. Students at the K-12 school are grouped into two groups to reduce interaction on a given day. The K-12 plans to have all students in grades K-5 attend school four days per week, beginning on February 8. Plans were also shared with the board on how bus routes and the food service program will change to accommodate more students on campus each day.
Superintendent Nelson briefed the board on the upcoming levy and said she had been told by the Pacific County Auditor that ballots would be out by the third week of January. The district scheduled presentations regarding the upcoming levy over Zoom due to limits placed on gathering in-person.
Nelson also recognized the board members for their years of service, and presented each with a certificate of recognition. Nelson thanked her board members for their support and efforts, especially given the multiple changes in academic programming as a result of the covid pandemic.
Nelson showed the board members a chart of what would be allowed for sports and activities as the county and other counties moved through the phases as required by Governor Inslee.
On February 16, the board conducted an evaluation of the superintendent and subsequently chose to add a year to Nelson’s contract.
Under principal reports, it was shared that students in grades K-5 had returned to school four days per week beginning on February 8 and other grades would soon follow, space permitting. Nelson commented that students were happy to have more time on campus and parents were pleased to have their children receive more in-person services.
Since the West region moved into Phase 2 of Governor Inslee’s re-opening plan, sports have begun with limited spectators. The first home volleyball game was played on February 9 and the football home opener was February 16, which was previously postponed due to snow.
The next board meeting is scheduled for March 16 in the Commons, beginning at 6:30 p.m.
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