Greetings from the fair office. Hope everyone had a wonderful January. I am sad to say that Valentine's Bingo has been canceled. I will let you know next week if we are able to have a flea market or not. The fair board is pushing forward with the Cruzin’ to the Fair Car Show; this year’s date is June 5. Mark your calendars now and we will get registrations out soon. If you would like to be a sponsor for this event call the office and leave your name and number and I will get back to you as soon as possible. If you would like to be added to the list for registration papers call the office (360)795-3480. Or if you would just like to help out with the event leave a message as well.
We will be looking for fair royalty soon so if you know of any one interested please call the office. Also, we will be in need of some new superintendents this year. If you would like to volunteer please let me know ASAP as I am working on the fair book and would like to get everyone's name in it. Also if you were a superintendent in 2019 please let me know if you are willing to do it again this year. Thanks to everyone for your time, I know the hours you put in.
This year the fair book will be dedicated to Martha Backman. She served on the board for many years and is an awesome fair supporter. So Congrats, Martha. We will also put the 2020 fair book dedication in the book this year. It was dedicated to the Elephant Ear Booth which would have been here last year for 40 years. Also, this is the time to send in your fair theme ideas. Email them to the fair and the board will make a decision at its February board meeting. (
Hope everyone has a wonderful weekend.
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