Every weekend, Damion Curl heads over to DeBriae logging to wash the pickups that come in at the end of the week, as well as 14 log trucks, service rigs, and dump trucks.
It's quite an opportunity for this future mechanic.
"It's what I want to become in my life," Damion said. "I'm a really hands on learner. I like to get my hands dirty. Growing up, I would build a lot with LEGO bricks. When my dad got quads, I'd work on them with him, and help him run our personal vehicles."
"I remember there was something wrong with my brother's quad," he continued. "My dad said to go work on it. I figured it out. There is a certain joy on the other side when you get it running."
He knows there is an auto/diesel mechanic program at Lower Columbia College, but he's keeping his options open for now.
Damion is finishing his final year of school at home. He enjoys the remote learning, because it gives him a bit of control over his own schedule.
"I know a lot of people who wish they were going remote," he said. "They have to do homework a little later than I can. I have all day. Whenever I want to do it."
Still he has missed his friends, who mean so very much to him. Fortunately, he gets to see them now that football has finally started, a relief to this active young man, who usually plays three sports a year.
"I'm definitely glad to get out of the house to do something different besides school and work," he said.
Damion has been playing baseball his whole life, and is something of a utility player, willing to play anywhere the coaches put him. His baseball coach, Marc Niemeyer, is also one of his favorite teachers.
"Mr. Niemeyer is always there for me," Damion said. "He's always there to push me and make sure I'm doing the best I can in all my classes, and even in life. Sports too. He's a great guy."
The Curl family has spent a lot of time fishing on the river together, and five years ago, Damion earned his hunter's safety card and got his own muzzleloader. When he's not doing that, he'll walk out with his dad, older brother, and a neighbor during archery season, or accompany his brother during another season, modern.
Damion is the son of James and Michelle Curl.
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