Established as The Skamokawa Eagle in 1891

Note to an arrogant fisherman

To The Eagle:

Dear Mr. Longview PUD board of directors member.

Yesterday I was checking to see what result the recent high water in the Elochoman had on the bank work done this summer. I saw you fishing and went over to say howdy and how was the fishing. Long story short we talked a bit and I started walking downstream to see how the exit area of the rebuilt channel along the far bank was working out.

You followed me down there. You then got on your walkie talkie and said to the person you were talking to, “Don’t talk to him (me) you can’t get rid of him.”

Again I point out you were following me as I walked downstream, you walked past several likely places to fish without stopping and you have the arrogance to say, “can’t get rid of him?”

Well I have a solution for you in this case. Since I own both sides of the river and the bottom and since I bought and paid for it and pay the taxes on it, since you felt motivated to tell another on the air you couldn’t get rid of me, just stay off my land and you will not have that problem again!

I find about 98 percent of the people who fish the Elochoman to be polite and friendly and they keep the fishing area free of trash. I appreciate this and they are welcome to fish on my land. You, sir, are an exception to that group. I recommend you just go around to ensure you are not encumbered by my presence ever again.

Ben Elkinton



Reader Comments(2)

Irishcreed writes:

Good for you sir, you worded that just right with enough venom to make sure that once in a while wanna-be fisherman understands his kind will not be tolerated on the river, either side. He may end up very wet and in the river if he runs into me!!! Thank you much sir, myself and I'm sure the rest of us local fisherman appreciate land owners like yourself.

Erohgr writes:

Good job!! I love it when patriots fight back.