Established as The Skamokawa Eagle in 1891
Wahkiakum County's Superior and District courts, and County Clerk continue to monitor the covid-19 pandemic and to collaborate with state and local officials to ensure the health and safety.
Because of recent virus surges, all jury trials have been cancelled for December. District Court jury trials are also cancelled for January.
Court offices remain open to the public during normal business hours (8 a.m. to 4 p.m., Monday through Friday). Space in each office is limited. Visitors should look through the window before entering and wait outside where marked if someone else is already being served at the counter. Face coverings are required to enter the building.
Superior Court regular dockets will be conducted by Zoom online video conference. District Court dockets and civil trials are conducted primarily through Zoom, with in-person appearances required or permitted on a case by case basis.
The Washington Constitution requires all courts to provide public access to court proceedings. To do this, all court proceedings will be streamed live on YouTube. Links to each court’s YouTube channel are posted on each court’s website. Due to limited capacity, the courts will limit non-participants in the courtroom. Those wishing to view the proceeding need to watch the YouTube broadcast.
The courts (or attorneys for represented parties) will send hearing notices by mail or email, along with instructions for using Zoom to participate in a hearing where applicable. Instructions for Zoom will also be available on the courts’ websites, and by email or mail upon request. Any court case participant who does not have access to Zoom but needs it should contact the court. There is a terminal available for Zoom access at the courthouse when needed.
All hearings will be conducted under conditions that protect the health and safety of all participants. All persons entering the courtroom are required to wash or sanitize their hands before entering, to wear a cloth face covering (or face shield if medically exempt from wearing a mask) at all times, and to follow all instructions about social distancing and safety.
For those at high risk of severe illness from the coronavirus, additional accommodations will be liberally granted to parties, witnesses, attorneys, and others. If you have an active case, please work with your lawyer to arrange to appear through Zoom or by phone. If you do not have an attorney, or have any questions, please visit the courts’ websites or call District Court at 360.795.3461 or Superior Court at 360.795.3558.
Posted on the courts’ websites are Emergency Court Orders, court updates, and information related to changes in operations, such as jury duty, jury trials, filing court documents by email and fax, and drop offs to the large blue drop box located outside the front entry at 64 Main Street. Online court services remain available for some court business, including payment of fines, paying your ticket, accessing commonly used forms, and more.
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