To The Eagle:
For the past several years the Wahkiakum County Democratic Party has concentrated on supporting candidates. Now it is time to concentrate on Wahkiakum County and work toward goals that are of particular concern to our residents. Certainly we all want the Columbia River and its tributaries to be full of salmon, for there to be broadband easily affordable and easy to access, for there to be more readily accessible health care, for there to be more affordable housing, for our kids to stay here and thrive, and the list goes on. In order to reach determined goals, the effort must start at the county level. We can’t just hope that our elected officials help rural Wahkiakum. They need our help to get things done.
The Wahkiakum County Democratic Party has a reorganization meeting in a month, on Saturday Dec. 12, to elect new officers and determine goals to help implement needed changes. The month before, on this coming Saturday November 14, at 9:00 a.m. on Zoom, there will be a general meeting to propose officers, goals, and agenda items for the coming year. This is an exciting time to be proactive and help our elected officials serve Wahkiakum.
I urge you to attend the November meeting to offer your recommendations. You do not need to be an active Wahkiakum County Democratic Party member to participate. You do need to be a member to vote. For the Zoom ID number please contact
Ron Wright
Wahkiakum County Democratic Party
Puget Island
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