To The Eagle:
I just received the most absurd political ad in the mail, among many absurd ones this year. It is from a group based in Puyallup, "WA Forward," saying that our Senator Dean Takko is an extremist. Say what? Anyone who knows Dean, or who has followed his career represeting us in Olympia, or who has seen him campaign in person or on YouTube knows that is laughable.
Dean is a centrist problem-solver, quetly getting things done for us. Clearly these folks are outsiders who know nothing about LD19. So, I looked them up on the state PDC website. Did you know that this group from "Pugetopolis" has spent over $158,000 opposing Dean? He must be scaring the Puget Sound political elites something fierce! Good for Dean. Vote him back in as our State Senator. Check out the numbers on the PDC website.
Ron Wright
Puget Island
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