To The Eagle:
I wonder in utter amazement how anybody that claims faith can support the likes of our candidates. Easy for me to say as a recovering Christian. Even a lost and wAndering lamb, such as myself, can tell which candidate seems less likely to further destroy what we once had. I speak from, according to some, what is considered to be old age. Ok. I am old and have watched one thing after another chipping away from what was normal. Can't go in the woods anymore because the roads we used to drive around in our hills are gated off. Can't show up at the airport and literally run to the boarding gate. When a high school kid during deer hunting season, I took my hunting rifle and camping gear to school on a Friday afternoon in 1960. I brought the vice principle out to my car to show him. Try that today and you just might die.
In my dotage I have lots of time to read history which I of course watch with dread/amusement as it repeats. Pick any century of any millennia in recorded history and you will see the pattern. One nation after another has risen to the top, sent troops to everywhere on the earth known about at the time, got over extended and fell apart from within.
Best thing to do is vote for your favorite dog team, be nice if your team comes in first or second and be safe. Remember, we're just passing through so would be a good thing to leave something for the kiddies.
James Roberts
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