Friends of Skamokawa presents "A Cornucopia of Treasures" an online auction fundraiser starting 10 a.m., Friday October 9 through 5 p.m., Sunday October 18. October 1-8 enjoy a sneak peek at over 100 items and gift certificates to bid on. The bidding starts October 9 at 10 a.m.
Go to the following website: Participants will be given a bidding number. Items included are : Art, decor, vacation stays, local dining, wood crafted furniture, vintage items, gifts certificates and more.
Businesses and individuals generously donated certificates and items for this annual fundraiser for River Life Interpretive Center @ Redmen Hall/Central School. All funds will be used for operations and maintenance of this historical building. Final results will be posted online October 20.
Payments are accepted by credit card and Paypal. Pick up items at Redmen Hall.
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