To The Eagle:
So Donald Trump knew all along that Covid-19 was extremely contagious, that it was more deadly than your ‘most strenuous' flus (whatever that means), that children could contract and spread it. That's what we learned last week.
Now don't you imagine that he also really knows that climate change is for real? That it's caused by humans burning fossil fuels, and that it's responsible for the horrible hurricanes in the south and east, the droughts that ravage more and more of the world, causing famine and water shortages, and of course the unprecedented fires that have demolished so much of the west and caused us all so much grief?
I'll bet he is even aware that his remarks about immigrants have actually been making some people feel that they can get away with committing acts of racial violence.
Why doesn’t he like to admit that he knows things? I'm not sure. But we have seen more than enough to realize by now that it's not a trait that works well in a president.
Maybe you didn't realize how dishonest he was about important issues when you voted for him in 2016.
Maybe none of us realized how much death and destruction he was willing to inflict on us rather than admit some uncomfortable facts.
But we know it now, and we have a chance to do something about it in just a few weeks. We can vote him and his enablers out of office.
Richard Beck
Puget Island
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