Wahkiakum County Port 1 Commissioners approved a bid for a project to build a viewing dock at the Elochoman Slough Marina and signed an interlocal agreement with Wahkiakum County for the use of County Line Park at their meeting last Thursday.
The port has received a $16,000 grant from the Marine Resource Committee to build a 20’ x 40’ viewing dock at the marina, which recently went out to bid. Two local contractors responded. One, RTT Services, offered to complete the project for $16,000 plus taxes. The second bid was more than twice that amount.
There was speculation that the bids were higher because of the current price of lumber. A 2x12’ board used to cost $20, Maintenance Manager Todd Souvenir said, but right now its $70.
The project is to be completed by April 1.
Commissioners also approved an interlocal agreement with Wahkiakum County, which leases County Line Park from the State of Washington Department of Natural Resources. Port 1 recently took over the operation of the park from Wahkiakum County Port 2.
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