Established as The Skamokawa Eagle in 1891

Fire danger extremely high in local area

Skamokawa News

TOASTY--We got a heavy dose of Summer weather just as we go into the school year and what we always think of as Fall sports, but as we can see, these high temperatures mean more swim suits, flip flops and beach time, and not coats, umbrellas and boots! Of course, things can change here on a dime, so who knows how long this heat wave will continue, but I'm hoping you're enjoying it while it's here. For me, I will continue to hide in the basement where it's cool!

Wildfires are raging in several states and some are experiencing black outs and of course, that leads to even more problems. Sadly, we are still hearing about animals and children being left in hot vehicles, which have led to several deaths this year. Bless those who have come to the rescue of those in need.

EXTREME DANGER--The fire danger is extremely high in some places, so please be very careful out there. If you're traveling, you may want to plan an escape route ahead of time, just in case, as not knowing where to go will make a bad situation even worse. We certainly are thinking of all the brave men and women who are working extra hard in fighting the raging fires that are currently happening in several states.

If you happen to be in an area where animals may come in order to seek refuge from the fires, you're urged to put out buckets of water for them, as they will be scared and thirsty. You're also advised to keep your own pets inside so as not to be adversely impacted by extra wildlife passing through your property. For now, let's just hope and pray we don't have to deal with that here!

WIND--As I begin this, there is supposed to be a big wind event, and while we may or may not get the brunt of it, I hope you took some precautions just in case. One thing you can be sure of is "Murphy's Law." If you get totally prepared for the worst, it doesn't usually happen but if you brush it off and don't get prepared, well, then you'd probably get hammered! So, to be on the safe side, my hanging baskets came down and light yard art, etc., got put away too. Also, to be on the safe side, I'm going to cut this short and send it in early, while I still have power. Better to be safe than sorry!

SPECIAL DAYS--Those celebrating birthdays from Sept. 10-16 are Brittianie Helms-Lampitt, Aleena Kuljis, Roger Reed, Rex Gilbertsen, Conner Parker, Valerie Wallin, Tina Schubert, Shayne Hoven, Richard Bigler, Jacob Hoven, Ed Houston, Sarah Phelps, Lori Bergseng, Dick Snyder, Renee Robert, Penny Paulsen, Gerry Brennan, Paige Nielson, Jim Spitzer, Jamie Neilsen, Emi Marsyla, Emmaline Vik, Naomi Pedersen, Suzy Ekstrom-Sechler and Samantha Pedersen.

Belated birthdays wishes go out to Chuck Beyer who got to celebrate his birthday on Labor Day. Double the fun!

Those celebrating anniversaries this coming week are Quin and Christeena Bassi, Josh and Christina Moonen, Sean and Kellie Masters, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Vik, Mr. and Mrs. John Vik, Mr. and Mrs. Eric Bergseng, John Jr. and Jessie Hoven, Mike and Samantha Wright, Adam and Samantha Pedersen and Scott and Jenny Pedersen. May all of your celebrations bring you joy and happiness in the coming days!

SCHOOL IS ON--It's that time of year that our school buses are on the road and more kids are out and about waiting for the bus, so be wary when you're driving along as kids will now be where you aren't used to seeing them. This also means a school bus may stop to pick these kids up. Please help keep our kids safe and do your part to keep our accident count down to zero this school year!

Here's to all the kids and all the parents who are having to deal with a different kind of school year and here's hoping all goes well. For them and the parents, and all of us as a community, as we certainly don't want any setbacks because we were careless with our actions. Good luck everyone. Stay safe!

MUSEUM STILL OPEN--This is just to let you know that due to a late opening and a very good turnout these past few Saturdays, the board members of the Museum in Cathlamet will extend their Saturday openings until the end of the month. So, if you haven't made it to the museum just yet, located at 65 River Street, you'll have Sept. 12, 19 and 26 to do so. The hours are from 1 to 4 and the Historical Society truly appreciates your support; they hope to see you soon!

ON THE MOVE--I never thought I'd see the day, but after decades of managing and dealing with property out in East Valley, the chapter on that has closed. No more cows or fence mending or brush cutting or ditch digging will need to be done, as new owners, Josh and Kristy Gifford will now be the new residents and get to do all that "fun stuff!" This means that Brandon and Debbie Chamberlain will no longer be Skamokawa residents, as they have just purchased a home in Cathlamet, so we want to say congratulations to them on becoming new home owners in the "big city."

We also want to give a hearty welcome to the Giffords and wish them all the best.

COUNTING DOWN--The weeks are flying by so you only have a few Fridays left to enjoy the Farmer's Market at the marina in Cathlamet from 3 to 6, so don't miss out. They've had a great variety of vendors down there. Also, don't forget that there is a Farmer's Market in Skamokawa on Tuesdays from 4 to 7 p.m. I haven't heard when they are ending their market for sure, but don't delay as this is September and that sort of thing starts coming to an end before long.

HUNTING BEGINS--In case you're new to the area, there is currently a hunting season going on, so the critters are a little more stirred up than usual. Be careful when driving down our county roads as they have a habit of running out right in front of you! Also, if you just bought property here and don't want hunters on it, you might want to invest in some signs and get them posted so that former hunters don't think they can go there just because they always had in the past. There are a lot of places changing hands these days and with that often comes some land use changes. Best to deal with these kinds of issues as soon as possible.

SYMPATHIES--We want to send our deepest sympathies to the family of JoAnne Sears Pedersen, who just recently lost her sister, and best friend. Losing our family members is always tough and at these times, it's really hard as all those hugs and kisses from family members and gatherings of friends and neighbors is not possible, so all we can do is send them all virtual hugs. Again, condolences to one and all.

OUT OF THE PAST--This week back in 1950, the week started out hot and dry and the logging camp was closed. Later on it got foggy and colder in the morning hours. George and Ruby Everest stopped by his folks' place, the Ralph Everest's, after they had been up to George Hollar's place where he worked on their backs. It was so nice to have someone in town to "crack your back!" This year, Election Day fell on Sept. 12. Grandma Elsie said the telephone office was unusually quiet that day. On Sept. 14, Marie Silverman passed away at the age of just 53, with her services being held a few days later at the Methodist Church in Skamokawa. The Rev. Ruth Smutz officiated and pall bearers were Joe Carlson, Robert Smyth, Otis Wright, Herman Ellison, Allen Mooers and William Johnson.

This week back in 1960, it was hot for several days and very warm and nice the rest of the week. The big shindig in town that week was the Elochoman Grange's Golden Anniversary party with Master Tommy Irving welcoming guests and the State Grand Master, A. Lars Nelson and his wife, Rose. Peggy Martin introduced the honored guests: Ellen Foster, John West and Alma Wiester. The only ones on the original charter that were still members were Mrs. Foster and Mr. West. Alma was recognized as the Cold Sheath member of the Skamokawa Grange. Lecturer Bethenia Foster presented the program for the affair, which was "Yesterday's Return."

Each period of time was represented by different people and entertainers. From 1910-1920, Teddy Swanson and Ruth Markland played a violin and piano duet and Maude Butler talked about the early meetings. Then a poem was read by Peggy Martin and a duet was played by Mr. and Mrs. C.I. Wood to finish up that era.

The 1920 to 1930 time period was represented by a song and the Charleston was performed by Judy and Joyce Lindwall and Peggy and Becky Quigley. Cora Irving ended this era by the reading of a poem.

The 1930 to 1940 era had Nancy Prindiville playing a piano solo and songs were sung. Then a speech on behalf of the governor was given by Charles Hodge.

In the last period, from 1950 to 1960, it was Sharon Stout that sang a solo for that special time and the Skamokawa Grange presented her with a new Bible in thanks for her performance.

Sidney Parker was there as Deputy State Master for Wahkiakum County, Bob Watkins for Pacific County, Art Titus from Cowlitz County and Frank Miller from Lewis County. The crowd enjoyed some delicious cake while admiring all the wonderful blue and gold decorations in the hall. Those in charge of the affair were Peggy Martin, Katherine Johnson, Rose Groesbeck, Gertrude Irving and Bethenia Foster.

Also that week: The Cathlamet football team beat Knappton that Friday night with a score of 26 to 14. David Pedersen was playing as center. Grandma Elsie went to see Gene and Karen Healy who had just moved into a bigger apartment in the back above the Spar and they had a nice visit. Julia Butler Hansen was re-elected by a big margin. Florence Brown was hosting the Rebekahs' Harmony Club that week and Bertha Schuster gave Grandma a ride. The Dorcas club was planning an event so Maren Tholo stopped by the Everests to plan some of that event later on that week and they gathered at Tholo's and enjoyed some delicious pumpkin pie.

All this according to my Grandma Elsie Everest's diaries!


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