Established as The Skamokawa Eagle in 1891

We need a different leader to unite us

To The Eagle:

It was distressing to read Ms. Swift’s comments last week regarding her anxiety and anger about the rioting and violence in Portland. I did think her comment that “they’re coming for you next“ was a bit over the top. No need to panic. This too shall pass. We have as a nation been here before. The massive demonstrations during the 1960's against the Vietnam war, those for negro civil rights, and then for women’s rights, all seemed at the time terribly violent and confusing. We survived them and are better for it.

I believe that for our country to successfully address the social issues being protested about in the streets, we need a different leader that will unite, instead of divide us. One that leads all Americans, not just a narrow “base.” One that can lead through intelligent, inspirational example. We need a better man in the White House. I want a good man in there.

A blunt editorial in the New York Daily News recently raged “this year, it feels like merely being a good person takes on more weight. After four years of a corrupt, unethical, narcissistic, racist, sexist, bullying, shaming, vengeful, spiteful, greedy, needy, lying, jerk in the White House, goodness has been gone for too long.”

I don’t need to remove any blinders to see that Joe Biden has his faults. Yet he has proven himself capable of learning, of publicly changing his mind and direction if he decides it’s the decent thing to do. He has extensive experience in government service. He has spoken with empathy, humility, and compassion. Joe’s going to get my vote because I’m convinced that he is a truly good man.

Grace Ling

Puget Island


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