Established as The Skamokawa Eagle in 1891

Is there a color-coded etiquette in place?

To The Eagle:

A local Trump acolyte has been complaining that, allegedly, six out of seven participants at Black Lives Matter demonstrations in Portland and Seattle are white and a large percentage of those are college age ‘woke’ females. Is there a color coded etiquette specifying that racial justice demonstrations must have more dark skinned people in them than pale skinned people ?

Do women in general, or just their activism, rankle that author most? One has to wonder if woke women on the march are more threatening to this guy than any street full of fist pumping neo-Marxists. It’s no mystery why our complainant bridles at ‘college age’ demonstrators. In previous commentaries he has scorned the values of a liberal education at our apparently degenerate universities. I guess that students, particularly female ones, should be seen but not heard. They certainly shouldn’t be rabble rousing in the streets. Right? Wrong. Student protest demonstrations of the 60's were instrumental in putting an end to that ill-conceived and nationally corrosive war in Vietnam. Today’s demonstrators are trying to stop the war being waged against minorities by the racist elements polluting our police departments. Anyone with half-a-brain should understand that to be an anti-racist comment and not an anti-cop sentiment.

Again in the 60's, it was idealistic students from the East Coast, Freedom Riders, who rode buses to the deep South to link hands and hearts with their embattled brethren to support the escalating civil rights movement. In America’s twisted society a capable woman’s gender remains her primary obstacle against ever being elected president of this country. Once upon a time, a person’s ‘color’ barred them from even being considered a human being, much less being elected president.

For those ‘woke’ women out on the front lines, hope abides. They too shall overcome.

JB Bouchard

Puget Island


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