To The Eagle:
Come on now, did a writer last week really say "Workers of the World Unite?" I thought that Communist rallying cry died with Marx and Lenin but it lives somewhere on Puget Island. That is unbelievable after anyone with half a brain can see all the horrors of Communism.
One letter seemed to defend Black Lives Matter and Antifa by trying to debunk the fact that they may have burned Bibles in Portland, Oregon. Well here is a news flash: When you riot, burn buildings, loot businesses and hurt others you don't need to burn the Bible, you have burned the word of God, so I don't see the difference. Maybe with half a brain you do.
I had the pleasure to attend the memorial for Wahkiakum County Deputy Mike Balch last week. The people that put it all together did a wonderful job of honoring a fine man and sharing his many interests in life with us all. My heart goes out to his family and friends. He will be missed.
Local politics can be very difficult because you know most if not all of those running and you may like them all, so what I have done in the past and will do again, is when one is the incumbent as is the case with Mike Backman and he has done a good job I will vote to re-elect him. "Vote Mike Backman.”
I just don't believe Americans will vote for a man that won't come out of his basement to answer questions of the voters and a San Francisco Liberal to highest offices in the land. "Vote Trump/Pence 2020."
Paul Schreiber
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