Established as The Skamokawa Eagle in 1891

People need to remove their blinders

To The Eagle:

The image of rioters stomping the head of an unfortunate motorist in Portland this weekend was both horrifying and disgusting. The amount of hate and depravity it takes for persons to perpetrate that kind of violence on a complete stranger is unnerving. BTW, how many of you saw this footage or any of the 80+ nights of violence in Portland? No? Or how about what’s going on every night just up the I-5 corridor in Seattle, where BLM rioters are going into residential neighborhoods chanting, “Give up your homes, this is our neighborhood. Gentrification is racism.” Still not ringing a bell? Why? Because there is a national news blackout on the destruction of these Democrat controlled cities. The DNC/Media repeatedly tell their viewers, “Move on, nothing to see here. Orange Man bad.” Local news refers to the violence and looting as “mostly peaceful.” This reporting enables the insane left to continue. In order to watch the nightly rioting in Portland and Seattle, which has gone from fire bombing the Federal Courthouse and trapping police in their stations, to rampaging through neighborhoods with bullhorns shouting “No justice, no sleep.” Follow reporter, Andy Ngo -a Portland native- (@MrAndyNgo on Twitter.

Unfortunately, a generation of our youth has been indoctrinated in schools and by Madison Avenue/Hollywood/Silicon Valley to not only question opposing views but to hate and suppress them. Universities won’t allow debate anymore and the Democrat Party/Biden/Harris have openly called for censoring political opponents as well as condoning violence by bailing out and refusing to prosecute these lunatic extremists. Democrat politicians give tacit approval for this pogrom against the police, urban businesses and average Americans hoping it will help them win an election. The choice this November could not be clearer. Vote the Democrats out, across the board. Mark your ballot for Republicans, each and every one. Yes Mr. Tischer, the party does matter, time to change your party affiliation.

BTW, the motorist chased down and beat up by a Portland mob made the mistake of coming to the aid of a trans-person who was being harassed and robbed by the “Peaceful protesters.” Nightly carnage in Portland and Seattle are not protests, they are violent riots and you need to take the blinders off before they come for you.

God bless Howard Brawn for his intelligent and effective commentary on this page that lays waste to Marxism. Keep up the good work.

Adele Swift



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