Established as The Skamokawa Eagle in 1891

Local officers will continue to respond to citizen calls

To The Eagle:

The fake news machinery has ratcheted up in stridency, probably indicating death throes, since all major mainstream media outlets are hemorrhaging in terms of ratings, employees, and revenue. Makes reliable data and statistics hard to come by, since both the media and lefty politicians tend to squelch all info that doesn’t support their depraved narrative – but it’s still out there if you look hard enough.

Local officialdom has questioned the observation that children are relatively safe from the covid virus, but in a CDC chart of total deaths from the virus, readily available on Wikipedia, kids under 14 comprise only .026 percent, and you have to get up to age 35 before you top the one percent mark. On the other hand, people over 65 account for 80.731 percent of the death toll.

In the protest and pillage department, 80 percent of violent black deaths are perpetrated by other blacks, a figure which has held steady for over 30 years. Of the remaining 20 percent, relatively few are killed by cops. In the riots in Portland and Seattle, six out of seven participants are white, and a large percentage of those are college age “woke” females. Black Lives Matter is a Marxist, anarchistic organization as their website proudly proclaims, has zero actual concern about black lives, and their membership is a permutation of the same crowd that inhabits ANTIFA, Occupy Whatever, and myriad loony fringes of the Democrat Party.

The police defunding movement is an aberration created by these folks and the craven politicians who enable them. It is not supported by most normal people, much less the “heart’s cry of a scalded nation.” Normalcy is well represented by the Trump administration’s push back against all this stuff, and right now Trump is enjoying 95 percent support among Republican voters, 62 percent of all likely voters, 40 percent of blacks, and has an approval rating topping 50 percent. Prediction: Should the Bouchard household ever need to dial 911, our local gendarmerie will respond quickly, cheerfully, and professionally, despite the intemperate, obstreperous anti-cop polemic emanating from there last week.

Howard Brawn

Puget Island


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