Established as The Skamokawa Eagle in 1891

Primary election

No changes with updated tallies; final count on 8/18

Updated vote tallies late last week for Washington's primary elections produced no changes in results for local, regional or state wide races.

In primary elections, the candidates with the top two vote counts advance to the general election.

Also, in races for seats on a county commission, only voters in the commissioner district vote for the candidates, with all voters in a county voting on the races in the general election.

Wahkiakum County had two races on the ballot, both for county commissioner, and both with only two candidates.

In District 1, Puget Island and South Cathlamet precincts, challenger Lee Tischer led incumbent Mike Backman 429-237. Both ran as Independents.

In District 2, Elochoman, North Cathlamet, Rosedale and Columbia precincts, incumbent Dan Cothren led challenger Tim Lawry 506-284. Cothren ran as an Independent; Lawry listed no party preference.

Pacific County also had two county commission elections.

In the election for District 1, Republican Lisa Olsen led Democrat Darrell Moudry 1,496-1,178. In the election for District 2, Democrat Frank Wolfe came out on top with 1,582 votes; Libertarian Dan Driscoll received 1,483, and Independent Jon Lind 641.

In other elections, incumbent State Senator Dean Takko (D) won his three-person race with 44.58% of the vote; Jeff Wilson (R) was second with 37.81% and Wes Cormier (R) had 17.49 percent.

In the race for state representative, position 1, incumbent Jim Walsh (R) led with 57.61%; Democrats Marianna Everson and Clint Bryson finished with 22.3% and 20.0%, respectively.

In the race for state representative, position 2, Cathlamet resident Joel McEntire (R) led incumbent Brian Blake (D) 53.28% to 46.56%,

Wahkiakum County has 3,311 registered voters; as of Tuesday, election officials counted 2,083 ballots, a 62.91% turnout, fourth highest in the state after Garfield, Ferry and Lincoln counties.

Voter turnout in Pacific County was 9,490 of 15,578 voters, 57.01%, ninth highest in the state.

Final count and election certification will occur on August 18.

Unofficial Results

Wahkiakum Vote District /Dist. %

Legislative District 19, State Senator

Dean Takko, D 909 19,454 44.58%

Jeff Wilson, R 824 16,500 37.81%

Wes Cormier, R 287 7,633 17.49%

Legislative Dist. 19, State Representative, Pos. 1

Jim Walsh, R 1,244 25,132 57.61%

Clint Bryson, D 391 8,724 20.00%

Marianna Everson, D 377 9,727 22.30%

Legislative Dist. 19, State Representative, Pos. 2

Joel McEntire, R 1,159 23,208 53.28%

Brian E. Blake, D 871 20,280 46.56%

Wahkiakum County

County Commissioner, District 1

Mike Backman, NP 237

Lee Tischer, NP 429

County Commissioner, District 2

Tim Lawry, NP 284

Dan L. Cothren, I 506

Wahkiakum District Dist. %

Representative to Congress, Dist. 3

Jaime Hererra Beutler, R 1,265 131,369 56.25%

Carolyn Long, D 692 92,809 39.74%

Martin D. Hash, NP 33 3,722 4.56%

Wahkiakum State St. %

Washington State Governor

Tim Eyman, R 147 141,241 6.61%

Jay Inslee, D 689 1,074,988 50.33%

Loren Culp, R 852 370,596 17.35%

Joshua Freed, R 73 186,643 8.74%

Washington State Lt. Governor

Joseph Brumbles, R 222 150,894 7.35%

Denny Heck, D 344 526,965 25.68%

Marko Liias, D 101 368,058 17.94%

MartyMcClendon, R 347 230,874 11.25%

Washington Secretery of State

Kim Wyman, R 1,184 1,069,114 51.06%

Gael Tarleton, D 640 907,077 43.32%

Washington State Treasurer

Mike Pellicciotti, D 752 1,100,590 53.71%

Duane A. Davidson, R 1,183 967,171 46.72%

Washington State Auditor

Chris Leyba, R 1,129 848,711 41.20%

Pat (Patrice) McCarthy, D 596 976,972 47.43%

Joshua Casey, D 186 232,116 11.27%

Washington State Attorney General

Bob Ferguson, D 771 1,166,299 55.75%

Matt Larkin, R 579 497,175 23.76%

Brett Rogers, R 437 255,881 12.23%

Wash. State Commissioner of Public Lands

Hilary Franz, D 577 1,040,291 51.02%

Cameron Whitney, R 297 171,817 8.43%

Sue Kuehl Pederson, R 489 477,901 23.44%

Wash. State Superintendent of Public Instruction

Chris Reykdal 592 771,528 40.12%

Maia Espinoza 439 481,431 25.03%

Ron Higgins 335 394,621 20.52%

Washington State Insurance Commissioner

Chirayu Avinash Patel, R 849 558,260 27.29%

Mike Kreidler, D 787 1,210,157 59.15%

Anthony Welti, L 248 273,637 13.38%

Pacific County

County Commissioner, District 1

Lisa Olsen, R 1,496

Darrell Moudry, D 1,178

County Commissioner, District 2

Frank Wolfe, D 1,582

Jon Lind, I 641

Dan Driscoll, L 1,483


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