To The Eagle:
Children need to be back in school, not just for the education but more importantly is that kids today hide in a room with video games when they need to socialize so much more. Maybe we all would be better able to resolve disputes if we reasoned together instead of forming our opinions in a dark room playing violent games or watching TV alone.
Another reason is that for some children the school meals are the only balanced nutritious meal they may have that day but even more heart breaking is that for some it may be the only meal they get that day or any other.
I don't believe any one’s IQ is in any way tied to their skin color, so with that said, how can any successful person not realize that America and her values are not the enemy. Everyone can be successful if they work at it. I don't mean filthy rich or famous, I mean having what you need to take of yourself and family, maybe a little extra and then couple that with respect for yourself and others. That is real success.
I wish everyone in the county would eat out once a week or more. Our cafes, restaurants and bars are being hit hard these days.
If you are feeling down because of the shutdown, may I suggest you visit someone or do something nice for them. It has the potential to make you both feel better. Or just put some food out for the many hungry animals all around us.
Just some thoughts.
Paul Schreiber
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