Established as The Skamokawa Eagle in 1891

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Skamokawa News

MIXED BAG AGAIN--This past weekend was certainly a bit of everything, and as usual, we wound up with the "mostly cloudy" part on the Fourth of July until later on in the evening, when the skies cleared up and we saw the sun about 7:30 p.m. When we were wanting to sit outside to enjoy some burgers from the grill, it was only 62 degrees and cloudy with a cool breeze, so that meant eating inside for people like me who don't like having to put on a coat to enjoy a burger! Just a little further in either direction, it seemed like they had much more sunshine so their day was a little more enjoyable but hey, at least it wasn't raining! This week looks to be a combination of those same conditions, some dry, some wet, some cloudy and depending on where you are, you will get more of one thing than the other. For now, it's a real guessing game as to who gets what. Welcome to Summer, I think!

SPECIAL DAYS--Those celebrating birthdays from July 9-15 are David Shrum, Jamie Kincaid, Jalynn Rainey, Marietta Montgomery, Samantha McClain, Sharrell Mooers, Martha Backman, Janelle Seaberg, Mary Schroder, Kurtis Bergseng, Autumn Cochran, Jessie Caliman, Sunny Manary, Melissa Robbins, Steve Hart, Jerzie Wallin, Ron Miller, Lonney Kubacki, plus three of my grandsons: Kyle Sechler, Blake Sechler and Bryce Good and two 67'ers: David West and Doug Wright. Here's to celebrating your special days with your someone special!

Belated birthday wishes to Jaxton Nicolazzi who inadvertently got left off my list last week. His special day was on July 3. My apologies to his Mom, Marissa (Longtain) and his Dad, Joel!

Those celebrating anniversaries this week are Lance and Shannon Britt, Carol Carver and George Exum, Mr. and Mrs. Dave Hendrickson, Ron and Esther Cothren, Kevin and Stephanie Prestegard and John and Mary Gustafson. May you all have wonderful celebrations.

WANT TO HELP?--I stopped by the Helping Hand Food Bank last Thursday, which is located on the lower level of the Seventh Day Adventist Church at 3 Fern Hill Road, and was able to get an address so that if you wanted to help them out and mail in a donation, you could. I'd already had a request from someone, so I thought I'd spread the word. You can send that donation to P.O. Box 547, Cathlamet, WA 98612 and just earmark it for the food bank. If you're in the area, you could always drop it off on Thursdays when they are open from 10 a.m., to 3 p.m.

FARMER'S MARKET--I went down to the Wahkiakum Co. Fairgrounds last week and checked out the Farmer's Market there that is held every Tuesday beginning at 4 p.m. Everyone was wearing masks and in the roomy cow barn, with plenty of fresh air and space, it was easy to look around at the various products and keep one's distance from each other as well. Beings you may be spending more time at home these days, you may have a shortage of reading material by now, so I'm here to tell you that there are plenty of books available so stock up while they're cheap! If you're looking for a specialty item, like some of Tom Irving's homemade socks, you might try picking up a pair of those too. They looked very nice and I really admire talent like that. So, from homemade food items to pillowcases or hand towels or aprons or produce, you can find it there; come on down!

FOS--Don't forget: all you "online shoppers" can go to the Friends of Skamokawa's website and order things from their gift shop, as they still have books, t-shirts and other goodies in their line up, so feel free to shop away and help support the historic Central School/Redmen Hall/River Life Interpretive Center. If you'd like to send a donation to them, send it to: FOS, P.O. Box 67, Skamokawa, WA 98647.

KEEPING HISTORY ALIVE--If you'd like to help support our Museum in Cathlamet, operated by the Wahkiakum County Historical Society, you can also send a donation to them, which I'm betting they'd surely appreciate. Mail to WCHS, 65 River Street, Cathlamet, WA 98612. As of this writing, I have not heard when they will reopen.

CELEBRATED--Dale Jacobson had a pleasant birthday this past week as he spent his special day with his daughter, Rachael and her family, and being with family is always a time for celebration these days.

Another 67'er, Elaine Rolf, said she was able to celebrate the Fourth of July by heading to the Rainier Park and enjoying a picnic meal and visiting with friends, while still being able to practice social distancing. Naturally, we are all missing our big reunions that we had planned for next week, but hopefully we can gather at another time. If you know of anybody in the Class of 1967 that may not have heard yet, please pass the word that the July 18th reunion has been cancelled.

I think it's pretty safe to say that most people know that just about every major event or gathering that had been planned has been cancelled, but ya never know!

CELEBRATED 4TH--Our neighborhood folks sure put on a light show for us out here in Skamokawa, and while some of the critters weren't enjoying the "booms" too much, I certainly enjoyed the colorful explosions and was happy that everyone stopped the celebrating before midnight. I know many places weren't that lucky.

From the sounds of all the traffic going by, I knew the beach areas would be packed this holiday weekend and from the people who live there to pictures that were shown on TV to those being posted online, I was right, it was very busy! Traffic coming over KM on Sunday was backed up a long ways, as many seem to have forgotten that we still have a stop light and one way traffic through the slide area, and with a ton of motorhomes and trucks pulling trailers, it didn't take long for the east-bound line to extend for miles!

PLEASE ABIDE BY THE RULES--Sadly, many people did not pack their patience nor their kindness with them when they went traveling this weekend, as one of my classmates got to witness the "throwing a fit" routine of someone who did not want to abide by a store's current "wear a mask" requirement while grocery shopping. Sadly, it was a scene that was reported in several places and there were multiple "adults" who looked more like two-year-olds throwing a tantrum and expecting to get rewarded for it; nope! No mask, no service.

I hope no one around here opts to act in such a manner at our local businesses, as that is not behavior that is welcomed by the store/business owners who are struggling to keep their doors open, nor by the rest of us, who don't want that business shut down yet again. So please conduct yourself with civility or send someone else to the store/business for you; after all, your rights do not include infringing on the rights of others. The business owner has a right to earn a living, and if doing so requires us to wear a mask, for a very brief amount of time, then so be it. I prefer that we have our small businesses open, with a minor inconvenience to ourselves, than to lose them forever! Help support our local businesses. Just be kind, be patient, and be the patron that you'd like to wait on if you were in their shoes.

THINKING OF THEM--Without naming names, one of our local families has a family member that is dealing with COVID-19 down in Texas. Please think positive thoughts on his behalf as while some may think this virus is blown out of proportion or they wouldn't possibly get it, this person found out differently. So please do your part and keep yourself safe, as that big harmless party you went to, might just come back to haunt you.

OUT OF THE PAST--This week back in 1950, the week started off on a gray day but then got nice for the rest of the week with only one hot day, coming on July 11. Jean Everest Shane was in the hospital that week and had been having a tough time but sister Elsie got news at the end of the week that she was doing well enough to come home. Ralph Everest was feeling bum and the doctor made a house call and gave him a shot which put him to sleep and he rested all day. It was that time of year when the berries were coming on and Grandma Elsie was busy making berry jam and jelly. On July 15, Miss Betty Jean Holloway married Robert E. Brock at the Cathlamet Congregational church. The reception was held at City Hall. The couple would be settling down in Cathlamet after a honeymoon to Sun Valley.

In 1960, it was nice all week with July 15 being the hot day of the week. It was off to "Millie's" for a bit of late lunch for the Everests and son-in-law, Leon Healy joined them for coffee. Later on Mayme Johnson and Betty Bighill stopped by with her three girls to show them her new car, a rose colored station wagon.Very nice and Grandma Elsie thought it was very pretty. Mayme Johnson had recently moved and it seemed her old place was just perfect for Annie Tarabochia who moved in on July 10. The Democratic Convention was going on with J. F. Kennedy leading the way and by the end of the week, he had clinched the Dem. Nominee. It was off to the Bunns' house for a visit one evening, where they got some berries, and the next evening it was time to head to the Harmony Club meeting at Alice Ott's. Mary Irving had stopped in and she was headed to the Rebekahs' meeting being held that same night. Bob Irving stopped by the next day with a big batch of raspberries which Grandma Elsie promptly canned and she gave some of the fresh jam to Mrs. Tarabochia. Glenn Palmer came by and took the Everests to the Island where they met with Winton Howard and ordered four cords of wood. Glenn's new bride, Donna Healy Palmer, made her first batch of fresh berry jelly that week! On July 13, Mrs. Ellen Braaten passed away. She had come to the USA from Kristiansund, Norway in 1908 and to Cathlamet in 1917. She was a charter member of the Assembly of God Church. She left behind her husband Gundval, two daughters Mryrtle of Cathlamet and Mrs. Dagney Brannen of Portland, and a son, Arnold of San Lorenzo, CA. She also left behind three sisters: Mrs. E. J. Bjerkeseth in Seattle, Mrs. Inga Ellignsen in Centralia and Mrs. Josefa Aa in Norway. The funeral services were officiated by Rev. John Turner. Grandma Elsie got a phone call that said her sister Jean was in the hospital and not doing well so she was headed to Seattle via the train at the end of the week. All this according to Grandma Elsie Everest's diaries.


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