Established as The Skamokawa Eagle in 1891

Clint Bryson is the type we want in Olympia

To The Eagle:

I have heard Clint Bryson publicly speak twice and also had extended conversations with him twice. Clint Bryson is running for LD 19 position #1. Clint has demonstrated that his values in public office are very much in line with our county's values. One example happened just a year ago.

Montesano, where Clint is a city council member, owns some 5,000 acres of timberland, which has always been open for public use in addition to being a source of sustainable timber revenue. When their forester came to the town council to ask that access be closed to motorized vehicle access due to some ongoing problems, Clint successfully argued against the complete closure and designed a compromise to allow recreational use, including hunting, while protecting the forest for timber harvest.

That is the kind of thinking we need in Olympia: people who value freedom balanced with local economic prosperity, and who work diligently to find a win-win compromise. Clint is a third generation Montesano resident so he lives rural values and understands forest economy pressure points.

Look for a chance to hear Clint Bryson speak and then ask yourself: isn't he the kind of person we want representing us in Olympia, actually getting things done for us?

Ron Wright

Puget Island


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