The Washington State Parks and Recreation Commission announces two additional free days in 2020, which replace the two free days lost to COVID-19 related closures in April. On free days, visitors don’t need a Discover Pass for day-use visits by vehicle.
The first makeup free day is Sunday, Sept. 13, to celebrate Girl Scouts Love State Parks Weekend, a national movement to get every girl scout into a state park. The second, Saturday, Oct. 10, recognizes World Mental Health Day, which supports State Parks’ participation in the nation-wide ParkRx movement to help people access nature’s health benefits. These days replace the Spring free day, April 11, and Earth Day, April 22.
Though most Washington state parks have reopened for day use and many have reopened for camping, the agency encourages visitors to minimize the spread of COVID-19 by recreating responsibly on free days and every other day.
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