The volunteers of the Summer Lunch program have completely blown me away. The outpour of folks willing to roll up their sleeves and make lunches for our kids is really something special. Our first week went great, and our numbers of meals are increasing. Thank you to everyone who has been a part of this program, whether you donated money, helped secure emergency funds, donated food, donated time, organized, sanitized, made masks, or are physically making the food. Without this level of teamwork and civic service this could not be accomplished.
With that said if you need lunch for your kids you need to call me. We have garden bags on Wednesdays, we have GAP boxes on Fridays and on Monday you also get a week’s worth of breakfast foods. I do not want anyone to miss out on this. The pandemic was not planned, we do not have to struggle, its OK to need a little extra help right now. My phone number is 360-751-7149 and I am here to help. If you have not placed your family’s order yet, get a hold of me. If you already are signed up, please call me Mondays 8-9:30 to confirm or adjust your weekly order. I do not want any kids in this county to go without and we will deliver if you can’t get to the school. If you live in the west end, we have a drop off point at the Rosburg hall where WOTM will deliver meals at 10:15 MWF. If you live in the west end, and physically can’t get to the Rosburg hall, we will get it to you. Our volunteers mean business. No kids are going hungry this summer.
Our local food banks are stocked and loaded. Johnson Park, Wahkiakum Food Bank, 7th Day Helping Hand and St. Vincent de Paul are all working very hard to keep their community fed, and I thank every single person who makes that possible, from the bottom of my heart.
If you are interested in volunteering for the Summer Lunch program, email me at or call me @ 360-751-7149. We have 10 more weeks to go and I want to avoid volunteer burnout.
I’m filled with gratitude and I hope you are too. Whether it be a roof over your head, a fish on your line, good health or a beautiful day, there is always something you can be grateful for. As always, I wish you well Wahkiakum. “Everything is perfect in the universe-even your desire to improve it.” --Dr Wayne Dyer.
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