Established as The Skamokawa Eagle in 1891

Port 2 considers health insurance, park trail work

Commissioners of Port District 2 discussed a potential health insurance plan for district employees and the plan for enhancing the waterfront trail at Skamokawa Vista Park when the board met via Zoom on June 16.

Manager Jeff Smith said the port could join other local governmental entities in an insurance pool.

Commissioner Brian O'Connor said he liked the idea because it would help make the district an attractive employer.

However, Commissioner Lee Tischer had concerns about the potential growth of expense over the years.

Smith suggested the district could join for a year and evaluate the program, but in the end, commissioners asked him to obtain more information and present it at the next meeting.

There should be lots of work done this summer on the trail that follows the Columbia from Vista Park, Smith said.

First, a contractor will use a helicopter to install a bridge over a creek so that hikers won't have to wade or scale a bluff.

Second, the port has agreed to allow the Washington Department of Natural Resources to bring fire crews to the park for training which will include considerable trail building and maintenance, Smith said.

"They'll widen and extend trails, and make a loop if we want," he said. "They'll remove hazardous trees.

"The trail will be unrecognizable when they're done."


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