Established as The Skamokawa Eagle in 1891


To The Eagle:

Please read the words of Dr. Martin Luther King, the answer to repair what divides the races is there in that brilliant caring man’s words.

The Black Lives Matter movement lost much support when they accused anyone that said All Lives Matter is a racist and joined hands with ANTIFA Anarchists.

BLM became irrelevant when the movement bonded with ANTIFA and other hate groups that never cared about lifting poor Black people out of poverty or seeing innocent Black children being denied the promise of America because they are forced to attend lousy schools in dangerous ghettos. I want everyone to have what they are willing to work for, that is the promise of America.

If you want decent people of all colors to support you then stop the hate. No one in their right mind is going to support a cause when you burn cities, loot businesses and hurt the innocent just to make your point.

I know what it is like to live in poverty, in bad neighborhoods in New York City and go to lousy schools, but I found a way out. After dropping out of school I joined the Army and did a lot of growing up in the process.

I know that a lot of Black men, women and children are still living today in those now worse neighborhoods with pimps, pushers and criminals on every corner. It's no wonder some of these people lash out in frustration.

Young people today aren't wanted in the military because they dropped out of school or committed a non-violent crime. I say, save them. Give them a second chance. Allow them to find a way out of poverty as I did, while learning a trade and serving their country. I have to ask, is there anyone that believes we would have won two World Wars without high school dropouts in the service?

While I am at it, does anyone really believe a cop goes to work thinking “I want to kill someone today?” Get real and stop this de-fund the police insanity.

If you want to succeed and thrive in America you must first respect America, her people and yourself.

Stop spending taxpayer money overseas until all Americans have an opportunity to live in a safe neighborhood with real jobs and good schools.

Paul Schreiber



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