Established as The Skamokawa Eagle in 1891

Changes needed before celebration of diversity

To The Eagle:

I woke up this morning in my warm bed recognizing my good fortune of being born white in this country. I also recognize the pain of those who were born any other color. The inequality and injustice in this country is sickening. We cannot continue down the same path and expect a different result. Changes have to happen. We can either be a part of the problem or part of the solution.

I cannot imagine the pain black and brown people live with on a daily basis- the fear of simply walking down the road with their hands in their pockets and being killed for doing so because they are guilty of their skin being a color other than white. This is their reality. It has to stop. They have tried and tried to do this peacefully and it fell on deaf ears. I can understand their rage.

The POTUS has done more to divide a country already hurting. His hate speech has fueled the fires and he has done nothing to bring this country together. His cronies have stood by and kept silent while lining their pockets with more gold. They are completely void of empathy and concern for the people they are supposed to represent. Let’s join together and make the changes we need to make to celebrate diversity.

Beth Sheets



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