Skamokawa News
WET--As I begin this on Memorial Day, it is a very wet and ugly looking day out there, so if you had any plans for this past weekend, I hope you did them earlier on, as this start to the week was not a nice one. While radar showed little moisture out there and some folks thought it might be dry, if you happen to live in Skamokawa, it was anything but dry! The forecast calls for very warm and sunny conditions from Tuesday through Friday, so here's hoping all you heat seekers get your wish!
WONDERFUL TRIBUTE--I just want to say that the Greenwood Cemetery looked absolutely wonderful when I was up there, and I was so happy to see the flags flying on all those military graves. Due to the current circumstances,Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 5297 didn't feel like they should hold their usual program, but we were blessed to have taps played by local, Esther Roche, in rememberance of our fallen soldiers this Memorial Day. Kudos to everyone who came and decked out all the graves, as it truly looked nice up there.
GREAT FOLKS--Speaking of paying tribute to our military, I was so thrilled to hear that when the Willamette National Cemetery said there would not be flags put up there, one of "our own," former resident and WHS graduate Chris Stewart, got together with other former residents, (Samantha Westover Christensen) his own family members and many friends and gathered 3,000 flags (Johnathan Woolworth of Seabee Construction, donated 2400 of them) and handed them out to those who wanted to honor their loved ones. Beings he had requests by some of the folks we know to have their family members honored, he made sure he got flags on the family members of Tyna Zink, Margaret Bigelow, Debbie Olson-Beebe and Dyani Dirks. When Kathy Bond Peek saw what he did, she got quite emotional because her stepfather and mother are buried there as well as an aunt and uncle. We have some terrific people who do wonderful things and we send our sincerest thanks and many blessings for being such decent folks! You certainly brought a lot of joyful tears to many for your selfless act of kindness.
MORE GREAT FOLKS--One of our former residents, Bill Talley, was among those in the group of American Legion and Patriot Guard Riders, who came together this Memorial Day and stood in the rain in Longview at the Civic Center, while performing a ceremony of the true American hereos at the flag site there. For those who would like to see it, it is posted on the "Cowlitz County News" site on Facebook. They also went and performed a ceremony at the Longview Memorial Park. These people are truly the epitome of true Patriots!
MORE HELPERS--If one is relatively new to the area who needs some help, many have jumped on the Cathlamet Area News page on Facebook and asked for some, and it usually doesn't take too long and someone is willing to reach out and help them. Recently, a lady asked for snowballs to put on her baby's grave so as to make a "blanket" of them, and in no time, her request was granted. Kudos to all those who offered up your flowers and helped her out and sent their kind words as well. It truly makes a heart happy when folks are so quick to help out. Others join the site in order to ask questions about the area, or about what's happening now or what the sirens are about, etc., and it's always nice to have people fill them in on what's going on in their new home. Thanks to all Wahkiakum residents who reach out to others and put our small towns in our little county in a good light, as with so much negativity these days, we love to hear about the good stuff. Keep it up!
SPECIAL DAYS--Those celebrating birthdays from May 28-June 3 are Serene Snow, Asher Frink, Jeanne Paulsen, Katie Vegvary, Wes McClain, Stephanie Prestegard, Amy Knowles, Chad Marsyla, Lisa Marsyla, Sharon Hart, Pat Rabelos, Nancy Corbin, Rena Morris, Gary Emery, Tracy Cleveland, Willie Johnson, Annika Vik, Terry Vik, Justin Lindsey, Jill Havens, Gale Luthi, Robyn Longtain, Derrick Bardsley, Tim Rushing, Brooklyn Blain, Arnold Good and Brian Good.
Belated birthday wishes go out to Shelby Hoilland's son, Daniel, as he turned four this past Monday. Hope you had a great day, Daniel!
Those celebrating anniversaries this week are Sharon and BJ Servis, Robert and Karla Kyle, Scott Kennedy and Eva Snow, the Pete Ringens and the Nick Boehlers. May you all have wonderful celebrations this coming week.
BEGINNING TO OPEN UP--If all goes well, we may see some more things opening up as we go from one phase to another during these uncertain times in dealing with the COVID-19 pandemic, but we should still remain vigilant so that we don't take a step backwards, as I'm sure no one wants that to happen! As of right now, we will be able to enjoy more things opening but social distancing is still strongly reccommended.
We hope that our local Skamokawa restaurant opens as the new month arrives as I know many of us are eagerly awaiting for that to happen. As I said before, if you don't feel comfortable going in, you can always order "to go" or buy some gift certificates from them to help them recoup some of their losses over the last couple of months.
One of the businesses that is not going to open again, is the barber shop in Cathlamet. I understand that due to the pro-longed shut down and an upcoming baby, Stephanie Smith said it was just best to shut the business down. However, I did hear that Lisett Pena is going to open a salon in the area (not the barber shop) for the whole family called, "The House of Shades #2" in July, so watch for more information on that through the Chamber of Commerce.
VISTA PARK--In case you hadn't seen the notice earlier, Skamokawa Vista Park is open and yes, you will be able to camp overnight there again. However, while trying to keep too many people from coming all at once, one needs to call ahead for a space as they will be limited. Social distancing is still encouraged and one should practice all the hygiene requirements currently in place. Because of concerns over high contact areas, like the playground equipment, it will not be in use, nor are the yurts right now. Contact the park at 360-795-8605 or email the manager, Jeff Smith at:
NURSERY--If you're still looking for some great veggies and some great tomato plants, look no further than Skamokawa Gardens Nursery on Steamboat Slough as it will save you from going out of town and help support a local business as well! We have always been able to count on Danny supporting many of our local fund raisers and during this time, we really feel like we need to step up and do our part to shop local!
SAY CHEESE--If you're looking for some great cheese, don't forget to buy some from our very local spot, Skamokawa Farmstead Creamery. Not only is this great cheese but they have various other spreads too and that caramel sauce is really yummy! It is available at the Cathlamet Market or check out their booth at the various Farmers' Markets and Sunday markets, or check them out online and see about ordering other ways.
NEW ITEMS--I see that Ruthie Doumit has been busy making new creations as well, so if you'd love some special pottery items, with unique colors in various modes, then check out her shop in Cathlamet. You'll be sure to find the perfect bowl, mug, vase, etc., for your collection.
CONGRATULATIONS--Tessa Sechler had good news to share this week with the family as she landed a new job in Bellevue as a Behavioral Therapist. She will be working at a place called ICAN, which works with people who have been diagnosed with autism and neurodevelopment disorders. Needless to say, her parents, Pete and Katie Sechler are super proud of her, as is this Grandma. Way to go, Tessa!
Also celebrating a big career move is McKenna MacKintosh, who is now a Doctor of Physical Therapy at USC Division of Biokinesiology and Physical Therapy, so a hearty congratulations to her as well. She is the daughter of Linda and Larry Spieth of Vancouver and grand-daughter of my cousin, Donna Healy Palmer.
THINKING OF THEM--Just recently we learned of several people who are battling some very serious health issues, some of which live here in our area and others who are friends living out of town, and we want to let them know that we are thinking of them during this trying time. While they wish to keep their names out of the paper, I know that they would love to have good vibes, positive thoughts and even some prayers said on their behalf right now.
OUT OF THE PAST--This week back in 1950, it was nice all week long, with the first three days in June being very hot! This wasn't good for the loggers however, as the camps had to be shut down due to the extended dry time and low humidity. Word from Krist Pedersen in Alaska was that fishing was going good, which was always great news. Ralph Everest had to go to Seattle to the hospital for some tests and wound up having to stay for several days. Later that week, a trip was made by Elsie Everest and daughter, Carol to bring X-rays to the hospital, and then stayed at the home of Jean (Frank) Shane, who was Elsie's sister.
This week back in 1960, the first couple of days were nice but then it got showery, but once again, the first three days of June were just warm and lovely. During one of these dry days, it was a good time to take a drive, where the Everests and friends had a wonderful lunch at Bay Center. Later that evening, Donna and Gene Healy, and Karen and Hap Anderson came by to visit the Everests. It was that week that the formal announcement of the impending wedding of Gene Healy to Karen Anderson was announced, with a wedding day planned for August. A bake sale was held at Jim's Cafe by the Odd Fellows and Rebekahs, where money was being raised to purchase a hospital bed, so that anyone in need of one, would have access to one. People said they'd like to donate in memory of their loved ones who had passed on and they were advised to contact Mrs. Chris Johnson or Mrs. James West. Leon Healy brought a nice load of wood for the Everests which made them very happy and when daughter Carol arrived with one of her sons in tow, it was split and stacked by said grandson, David Pedersen. "Strong kid," Grandma said! were moving down to the John West home on the flats, while Mayme Johnson was moving to a different apartment that week, so everyone was busy. Pearl Rose stopped by to visit one day and said that Dee Dee (daughter?) had three little boys now, with the newest being only a few weeks old, while Kathleen Wright and Gertie Healy visited another evening. It seemed to be the perfect time for Ralph Bunn to show up so that he and Grandpa Ralph Everest could take a little drive to Puget Island and then one to Skamokawa. All this according to my Grandma Elsie Everest's diaries.
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