To The Eagle:
Wow! What an impressive edition of The Eagle last week! The progressive pandemic panic pundits showed up in force in the letters section (four of ‘em – count ‘em!) plus a doom and gloom disquisition from the Associated Press, offset only by the lonely but sane voice of Paul Schreiber. Ironically, a couple of them were touting Obamacare just as Obama was exposed as the ringleader of the attempted Trump palace coup which commenced with the Russian hoax and morphed into the hijack of the pandemic.
The virus campaign did sorta follow the general pattern of the Obamacare campaign, starting with disinformation, fumbled response from the medical bureaucracy, partisan malfeasance in congress resulting in malfunctioning computer programs (like the ACA exchanges) that failed to provide proffered financial relief. Luckily, our president acted with alacrity to squelch travel, form a task force to get the bureaucracy somewhat back on track, and forge a partnership with private industry and the military to produce medical supplies, devices and tests.
Meanwhile, power-crazed blue state governors strive to keep the ill-advised lockdown in place with tactics like extending school closures (which makes it difficult for parents to return to work), and police state tactics, such as drone surveillance and contact tracing, which actually made it into our county via the restaurant registration edict until public protest made Governor Inslee back down this past Monday.
In the meantime, our local leadership continues to show admirable restraint, despite the mainstream media’s agitation for indefinite lockdown and quest for the holy grail of a magic vaccine. Besides protesting, we citizens can invoke the power of the ballot box to rid ourselves of our gormless governor, retain the excellent Jim Walsh, and elect Cathlamet’s Joel McEntire to replace the lackluster Blake. Remember Mark Twain’s advice, “If you don’t read the newspaper, you are uninformed; if you do read the newspaper you are misinformed.”
Howard Brawn
Puget Island
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