Farmers markets, vegetables, summer lunches, oh my! These are welcome words in this uncertain time. Stay healthy, eat your veggies and help when you can: This is my personal mantra I am using for myself and my 6-year old. What is yours?
The Senior Farmers Market Nutrition Program (SFMNP) provides fresh fruit and vegetables by way of farmers market vouchers to eligible seniors, with the goal of improving their health and nutritional status. It also supports local farmers by increasing the use of farmers markets and roadside stands. Seniors, we are encouraging you to be active participants in redeeming these checks. If a senior is unable to fully participate in any part of the program due to disability or lack of transportation, they may designate a representative to participate on their behalf by using a proxy form available.
Senior Farmer’s Market Nutrition Program begins June 1 and ends October 31 and vouchers will be available for distribution May 18. Each participant shall be given $40 worth of checks for the season.
To be eligible, you must be 60 or over and meet eligibility requirements: $23,606 Annual, $1967 Monthly Income for one person; $31,894 Annual, $2658 Monthly Income for two people. For larger households add $691 for each additional person
Recipients will receive a packet along with their vouchers that will contain a listing of available markets in the area, a listing of eligible foods and nutritional information. This is a first come first serve opportunity. For further information and voucher distribution contact Kelly Patterson at 360-795-8630 option 4.
Feeding the children for a stronger community is no light task in our current situation. Many hands make light work however, and I am feeling positive about the community support that we will receive in order to plan and implement the Summer Lunch Program 2020. So far, we have received some funds, but we continue to ask for your financial support to purchase the food needed to serve our most vulnerable. If a monetary donation to this essential program is something that you can swing in these hard times, your kindness and support will go farther than you may realize. Some of our children not only look forward to the food, it may be all they get to eat that day. We will not let them down.
Those of you who may be able to financially support this community project, please send your checks payable to Kiwanis/Outdoor Café 2020 to Kiwanis, P.O. Box 515 Cathlamet WA 98612.
My grandma was a patient woman who grew up in the depression. She always used to say with a smile “I’ve got more time than money.” The way in which she said it, always would leave me with the impression that, having more time was more valuable to her, than more money. I only offer this memory of my grandma as a reminder that sometimes what you can do with your time is more important than what money you spend.
If you are feeling the pull to volunteer or would just like more information on how you can help, please contact me. There are multiple ways to volunteer for Summer Lunch and the more folks we have ready to roll-up their sleeves (and put on a mask) the smoother this operation will run. If you have been waiting for your window of opportunity for community involvement; here is your clear, beautiful, abundant window.
Those who are interested in helping prepare meals, deliver meals and take orders can sign up with me, at or call/text my work line 360-751-7149. I thank you in advance for your precious time.
Keep moving forward and be well. “If you light a lamp for somebody, it will also brighten your path.” --Gautama Buddha
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