Established as The Skamokawa Eagle in 1891

Mother's Day is this Sunday; treat her

Skamokawa News

MIXED BAG--This past weekend was certainly a mixture of weather, as it seemed to pour down rain one minute and then the sun would come out and it looked great again; until the next cloud burst showed up. I'm told the end of this week may see some very nice weather and even some hot days, so all you sun lovers will be more than happy to see that. Remember, it may be cool in your car when you start out in the morning, but if the heat shows up, your car quickly turns into a death trap for animals and children, so here's hoping we don't have to hear of any tragedies relating to either of them being left in a vehicle this week, or ever!

SPECIAL DAYS--Those celebrating birthdays from May 7-13 are Ashleigh Montgomery, Tami Bosch, Lori Parke, Rosalie Webb, Evan Quigley, Christeena Bassi, Bryce McClain, Ashlenn Coleman, Denise Peek, Trevor Gorley, Katharine Parker, Sawyer Peek, Ryan Lorenzo, Joe Spitzer, Beau Silflow, David Rust, Bobbi Peek, Erica Nepsund, Vicki Bergseng, Jen Wolcott, Mercedes Pedersen Wilder, Ashley Jorgensen, Leslie Monroe and Pete Sechler.

Those celebrating anniversaries this coming week are Gary and Sandie York, Lonney and Terry Kubacki and Frank and Carolyn Pedersen.

Let's hope you're able to have some wonderful celebrations this coming week, even though they may still be a bit restrictive. We can all do the "hug fests" later on, but for now, we can visit and enjoy a meal as long as we keep our groups small and distance ourselves a bit.

Better safe than sorry I say, as you know the old saying: "An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure." Take care!

MOTHER'S DAY THIS SUNDAY--This Sunday is Mother's Day, and there's no reason that you can't get Mom a great gift, as there's quite a few options available to you. For one, Moms love flowers and you can come down and support one of your wonderful local businesses right here, as Skamokawa Gardens is more than ready to help you out in that department. Located on Steamboat Slough, you really can't miss it and owner Danny Silverman will be happy to give you your space as you check out his greenhouses. He may even have some gardening items left for you, as right now, growing your own edibles is sounding like a good idea and would be great for Mom, or her little helpers as well.

Moms really enjoy a break from cooking so having the family together on this special day will be quick and easy if you pick up some pretty paper plates at the store and then stop by and get your "to go" food at one of the several places that are still serving food. If she likes chicken, don't forget the Cathlamet Chevron and preorder a bucket right away, it's tasty. And don't forget those jo-jo's!

Kids aren't making their MD cards at school, so here's hoping you have supplies at home, but if not, the Cathlamet Pharmacy has some craft items there or you can buy one of their special ones in their card selection. They also have some lovely gift items. Don't delay, get to planning and shopping right away and make this day as special as possible for the special lady in your life!

BACK OPEN--There are many people who were happy to learn that Skamokawa Vista Park is open once again, but please remember to practice social distancing, don't throw any trash anywhere and be mindful of others that are staying there. Most of us would love to walk the beach and enjoy the fresh outdoors while checking out the river, so let's hope everyone is following the guidelines and allows us the privilege of using the park once again. With the warm days supposedly coming our way, I know many who will be happy to leave their homes and enjoy this scenic wonder in our back yard. Enjoy, everybody!

FOS--Redmen Hall is currently not open, but that doesn't mean you can't purchase things from them, as they have hats, t-shirts, totes and more, so go online and check out their website at: and see their wide array of items that are for sale. There are limited hours for the person manning the office right now, but you can call 360-795-3007 and leave a message if they aren't there. If you need some items, it's possible that you can even have that item delivered right to you if you're local, or if it needs to be mailed within the US, it can be shipped. Remember, this is another great way to support your local folks and also to help maintain this historic building; it's a beauty!

HELP OUT?--There's a group that is going around Cathlamet and other areas brightening up the surroundings, the Wahkiakum Bloom planters, are looking for some helpers and or sponsors in order to keep things bright and pretty; can you help? Our local nursery, Skamokawa Gardens, is growing the plants right now, so once it's time to get those pots filled up with pretty flowers, it would be great if there were some extra hands to help them out. Also, if you sponsor a pot, then your name or business can be placed in/on one of the pots so that's a great way to advertise your company or let folks know you're a supporter of this good work. You can call the Wahkiakum Chamber of Commerce 360-795-9996 for a range of options or they can get you a brochure. If you'd like to be a part of the "plant and water" crew, call 360-218-6504.

HOME--I was told that Gary Backman is now home from the hospital so I hope his health problems will lessen enough that he gets to stay home. Also home was our friend Johnnie Peyrollaz, so that was good news as well. He is more than happy to have his wife, Cloida by his side and having help come in, rather than having to stay in an isolated room in a hospital, that's for sure!

SYMPATHIES--I learned that Patty Vezaldenos has recently lost her father, so we want to send our sympathies to her. For those of you who don't know, Patty is the owner of the "Patty Cakes Cafe & Roasting" business in Cathlamet at 98 Main Street. She is open for limited hours right now, and they are: Monday-Saturday 8-2 and on Sunday from 9 to 2. You can call in an order and pick it up at 360-795-0078. She truly appreciates your support at this difficult time.

OUT OF THE PAST--This week back in 1950, it was quite nice all week long with the 10th and 11th getting the "just beautiful" review! The members of the local Rebekah lodge met prior to Mother's Day and held a nice program to honor all the mothers that were there. Mrs. Geroge Davidson played several piano solos while Mrs. Leland Wright and Mrs. Wolverton did a couple of readings, and then a skit called, "The Card Game" was put on by Mrs. Herbert Faubion Jr., Mrs. Art Wright, Mrs. Leland Wright, Mrs. Jack Martin and Ms. H.H. Faubion. Everyone took part in naming famous women and prizes for the most correct answers went to Mrs. Leland Wright and Mrs. H.D. Ozment. Gifts were presented to the youngest and oldest mother in attendance, and Mrs. George Davidson got the youngest mother prize and Mrs. W.W. Head was the winner for the oldest mother in attendance. The Pochantas group held their meeting that week but there was just a small crowd but those that were there had lunch at the Grange and had a nice time.

In 1960, the weather started off wet but then it got nice for Mother's Day and was decent until May 11, when it turned real wet and nasty for a couple of days. Big news in the Everest family, as Gene Healy and Karen Anderson announced they would be getting married in August, so everyone was delighted. Pat and Ray Ballard were pretty happy as well, as he was working with the crew in charge of one of the big races and they won, so there was much to celebrate. The Krist Pedersens were very busy as it was time to head to Alaska and Krist and eldest son Ralph left on May 10 from Seattle. After Carol and Peggy Pedersen dropped them off at the airport, they stopped at the Rust household in Seattle as well as Peggy's folks in Winlock. Later that week, Carol Pedersen was hostess for a coffee hour honoring Mrs. Gunter. In attendance were Mr. and Mrs. James Nelson and family, Mrs. Norma (Pedersen) Hall, Mrs. Mildred Lex, Mrs. Marian Healy and daughter, Donna, Mrs. Roberta Ronning, Mrs. Annie Ronning, Mrs. Margaret Peterson, Mrs. Betty Pedersen and Mrs. Bella Ellison. It was a big time at the Pedersens', as Peggy Pedersen and sons, along with David Pedersen and Bruce Holland, Bobby Anderson, Roger Peek and the Berry boy, all met to watch Elvis Presley on TV; big night on May 12!

It was Friday the 13th that year, and that was the date of the Homemakers Council Achievement Day and they had a very big crowd show up. They even had many visitors from Cowlitz County attend. A spur of the moment skit was put on by Mildred Jones and Eva Morrison called "Back Seat Drivers." The usual unlucky day was proven to be a lucky one for Mrs. Bertell Pearson, when she wound up winning a lovely doll figurine as the door prize that day. All this according to my grandma Elsie Everest's diaries.


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