To The Eagle:
The governor will not consider the facts or data when it comes to reopening the state. What he will do is wait to get his marching orders from the Democratic National Committee because he is a politician first, last and always.
I am today asking our county commisioners, the kind of independent politicians I trust, to do the right thing for the good of our county and begin reopening businesses based on the facts and data about COVID-19.
I truly believe that many politicians care only about getting re-elected and therefore are rarely going to make a decision to benefit anyone but themselves.
The people of this town, state and country have had enough of the hardships imposed upon them and are better able than any politician to make the right safe choices for themselves.
If we adhere to the common sense approach suggested by the president’s task force, washing hands, social distancing and staying in if you are sick then we need to do so and get on with our lives.
Simply put, I will not put my life, my choices and my freedoms in the hands of a politician when, after reviewing the facts myself, I strongly believe that getting back gradually to normal life will not harm another person.
I, as an American, have had enough of this, it is not how free people want to live.
This shutdown is hurting people and that should be a good enough reason all by itself to begin to safely put an end to it.
Paul Schreiber
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