To The Eagle:
These are very tough times for everyone but especially you young people because you may be experiencing your first crisis.
When you walk down any street just about anywhere you will pass adults that have lived through the loss of loved ones, the horror of combat and so many other things that have made them strong enough to make it through yet another time of crisis.
When you pass these older folks remember too, that aside from all they’ve been through they go to work for their families and fellow Americans everyday providing us all with the things we all need to live our lives.
I know you have heard the phrase Respect your Elders after all this going on around you I suspect you now know that you should and more importantly why you should.
Let me assure you that this virus will be defeated by one or more of those people that go to work everyday searching for and finding the answers to this COVID-19 pandemic.
The simple message I am trying to get across to you young people is that no matter who you are we all need each other. The things that you don't do well, others do, and of course they count on others for the things they don't do well.
You will all come out of this stronger yourselves and wiser too because you may never again look at someone at work and think what they do doesn't matter. We all matter, we are all important and we need each other.
Someday many years from now you will walk down a street and hopefully receive the respect you will have earned by then from a young person passing you by.
Paul Schreiber
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