As of Tuesday night, the number of positive tests for the coronavirus remained at two for Wahkiakum County. The first case became official on Friday, April 3 and the second on Saturday, April 4.
“We are monitoring the cases,” Wahkiakum Health and Human Services Director Chris Bischoff said. “Neither of them have required any additional medical care. At this point, just due to the amount of time since symptomatic, we would list one as recovered and the other is pretty close.”
“The CDC would like two negative tests a few days apart,” Bischoff continued. “With the lack of testing this is not feasible, so the recommendation is 72 hours after continuous fever break.”
Guidance from the Washington Department of Health states:
“For individuals with symptoms who are confirmed or suspected cases of COVID-19 and are directed to care for themselves at home, discontinue home isolation under the following conditions:
• At least 3 days (72 hours) have passed since recovery defined as resolution of fever without the use of fever- reducing medications and improvement in respiratory symptoms (e.g., cough, shortness of breath); and,
• At least 7 days have passed since symptoms first appeared.
Individuals with laboratory-confirmed COVID-19 who have not had any symptoms may discontinue home isolation when at least 7 days have passed since the date of their first positive COVID-19 diagnostic test and have had no subsequent illness.”
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