Established as The Skamokawa Eagle in 1891

Coming Events--Community Center in Cathlamet

Food security. These two little words can mean so much. As these unprecedented times quietly entangle with daily life in Wahkiakum, I realize that there are great differences amongst our community members. For some, self-isolation has been enjoyable thus far. For others, this is one of the hardest times they have ever faced. With sudden job loss and more meals being eaten at home, questions of “how long” and “what will we do” are not uncommon. If you are one of those people, I am speaking to you from the heart and from my own past experiences- I understand and I hear you; but do not give up. If you are worried about food, I want you to take a deep breath. Please know that there are hundreds of community members working together to create food security for everyone, as we speak. Take a look at the painted hills of Wahkiakum, dappled with scars from past trees- let them remind you that this is where resiliency lives. Always growing back, always giving more.

As many of you know, the school has been doing an excellent job at serving breakfast and lunch. Even though this is technically “spring break” the meals will keep flowing to students and families. If you have not tried calling in a food order to the school, I suggest you try it. It is a very easy and friendly process and the food is delicious. Simply call in your family’s order Monday-Friday between 8-9 a.m. Then you can pick up your food in front of the elementary school between 10-11:30. Call 360-795-3261.

Meals on Wheels- For our vulnerable population, not just seniors- this is a great program to utilize. They will deliver to your home up to a week’s worth of nutritious frozen meals. You can check out the menu on our website or call 360-425-3430 ext. 249 to place your order. The meals are a suggested donation of $3, which may fit into your budget nicely.

Have you tried calling your order into the Cathlamet Market, yet? I did for the first-time last week and I was beyond impressed. The folks down there are working so hard to keep us safe and fed and that is such a victory for our rural town. Good to know, they also take EBT. I challenge you to try this if you haven’t yet. I picked a recipe for chicken and dumplings and just called in the ingredients I needed, paid over the phone, called when I got there, popped my trunk- and I was basically eating dumplings moments later- it was that easy. Call Cathlamet Market @ 360-795-3511.

Food Bank clients of the Elochoman Valley Food bank: They are doing food delivery, but you must call in between 9-12 on Tuesday @ 360-795-3101. Delivery’s will be between 2-5 p.m., same day.

Helping Hands Free Food Delivery. These volunteers are awaiting to help you. I know the new normal of ordering/delivering food and supplies takes some getting used to, but it really can mean a world of difference when you truly can’t leave your home. I suggest practicing with a small order so that you can get comfortable with the process. These volunteers also need the practice, so help your community by giving these volunteers a try. 971-278-1495.

The community garden has three plots left. If you are interested in a plot to grow your veggies this year, please contact Joyce @ with the subject heading “garden plot.” Plots are approximately 12 ft. by 12 ft., and they are rototilled and ready for planting. First come first serve.

The Community Center Volunteers have gathered items you may need to help enjoy all this down time- puzzles, books and coloring pages are all free to take from the bookshelf on the porch of the community center. We will also be leaving instructions on the porch to make your own mask, for those who do not have the internet. The instructions to make homemade masks will also be on our website, at the bottom of this article. If anybody has any fabric or elastic they would like to share, please email me. We will continue to leave goodies out for the community to make use of, if you have any suggestions please reach out to

I am currently studying the possibility of EBT use at farms, this would allow low income households access to local fresh food-stay tuned.

All links discussed can be found on page under resources. Also, get on the ole’ Facebook and ‘like’ Wahkiakum Health and Human Services for additional updates and resources. As always, I wish for you all good health and comfort. Be well, Wahkiakum.

“Courage is resistance to fear, mastery of fear, not absence of fear." Mark Twain.


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