To The Eagle:
We have been ‘contained’ to home now for three weeks. Fortunately we didn’t need TP before fanatics bought it all up, plus, I have many issues of The Eagle in case.
We are so blessed to live with space around us. I can hardly imagine the difficulties of all the families cooped up in small apartments in the city, even the homes there with little or no yard. I pray for those people, especially the ones who may have shaky relationships or mental problems, that may they all survive this epidemic.
Fortunately our president may finally be getting the enormity of this situation, listening some of the time, to the people who are stable geniuses in their fields.
We saw this coming long ago, adding to our usual extra supplies and precautions. We are keeping busy around the house, feeling spring-like when the sun comes out, even a little extra cleaning, when it’s not out.
I have no idea how long this will affect us but presume a long time economically, even after the virus is contained or eliminated. Hopefully vaccinations against the virus and possibly for the infected will be developed. My further hope is we fund CDC as it was prior, and try to be ready, as this may occur again in the future. The down-sizing of government, along with unqualified temps, is glaring at us now.
Stay home and be safe, if you are not of the much needed service people, now very much appreciated.
Poul Toftemark
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