Established as The Skamokawa Eagle in 1891

Get ready for the ride of your life

To The Eagle:

We all are new to a situation such as this Coronavirus problem so aside from the hand washing, social distancing and the like there are other things to consider and do.

We have a community to care for and protect.By this I mean each other and our local businesses so when this is, and it will be over, our home town must be as it was or even better still.

If you can help a neighbor then you should share what you can, be it food or money or just a kind word that will make their day better. Oh and yours too.

Now the best way to help local businesses is support them so they can make it through these hard times spend a nickel or a dollar. It all adds up and helps keep folks working and businesses afloat.

Businesses must find new creative ways to serve their customers for a while: take out, phone orders, delivery and other creative approaches that help your customers help you keep your business going.

I would love to hear any and all ideas people may have because good ideas are the best way to overcome bad situations.

Regardless of your political beliefs, now is, as in the past, when the nation faces troubled times. We must support the elected leaders of our nation, state, county and local government and save politics for Election Day.

I have faith this too shall pass. We as a nation and people have been through tough times before and no doubt will see them again. Our actions now will be a blueprint for future Americans to follow in tough times.

I believe in my heart that when this is over as it was after World War II, America will come roaring back better than ever, so hold on and get ready for the ride of your life when it happens.

This is kind of corny I know, but I like this term "Wahkiakum Strong."

Paul Schreiber



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