From Carrie Backman,
Wahkiakum County Co-operative Extension Agent
Washington State University Master Gardeners are dedicated volunteers who deliver science-based information in all 39 counties through county extension offices, like WSU Wahkiakum County Extension in Cathlamet.
Master Gardeners help to conserve and enhance our natural resources while improving the quality of life and well being of Washington State residents. WSU Master Gardeners spend more than 100 hours in training lead by WSU faculty, and give back a minimum of 40 hours of volunteer service to become certified Master Gardener Volunteer Educators.
Once certified, veteran Master Gardeners, like longtime Wahkiakum County Master Gardeners, continue their education and their volunteer service to their communities.
Wahkiakum County Master Gardeners’ many hours of service include helping plot owners grow produce at the Wahkiakum Community Garden, growing fresh produce for local food banks, facilitating gardening and compost education at Wahkiakum School District, putting together community educational programs like the upcoming Seed Exchange, and diagnosing plant and insect problems free of charge to Wahkiakum County residents.
To become a Master Gardener, volunteers complete a WSU volunteer application and complete 100 hours of WSU Master Gardener training. Classes are available in person or online. In-person classes are available in Longview by contacting Gary Fredricks, WSU Cowlitz County Extension Director, 360-577-3014. Online classes are available by contacting Carrie Backman, WSU Wahkiakum County Extension Director, 360-795-3278.
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