Following is a brief update on covid-19 response from Chris Bischoff, executive director of Wah. Co. Health and Human Services:
Senior Lunches
We have directed the three senior lunches to no longer provide sit down meals for seniors. At this point, the CAP sponsored events will allow seniors to drive up and they will be handed a hot lunch that they can take with them. This will be 'drive through' service. The Wednesday senior lunch has been directed to not offer sit down, they have not indicated whether they will be delivering meals.
Confirmed case
There is a confirmed case at Peace Health St. Johns in Longview. It is actually a Lewis county resident in the hospital.
School and child care
We are in daily discussions with the school on a number of issues around the canceling of classes. We are in daily discussions with St James around childcare and their programs.
More to come
Department Heads will meet tomorrow to discuss actions and address questions and concerns. We are STRONGLY encouraging the public to call in to that. (The public has a call-in number for the commissioner meeting tomorrow, it is 360-795-7874.)
--Chris Bischoff, MSML, RS/REHS
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