Established as The Skamokawa Eagle in 1891

What's happening at the Fair

Wow! March has arrived and we will be busy at the fairgrounds this spring. The fair board received a grant from the Department of Agriculture to get new doors on the Lions Club Booth and the Food Booth, they will be roll-up doors and super easy to use. Thanks to Daria Lacy of the Fair board who did all the work. Also a thank you to the county commissioners for helping with the shortfall of the grant. These doors will be a huge improvement to these two buildings. Also a big thank you to the county commissioners for getting a new ramp on the T-Building; it will provide access to the office without going up the stairs. So, Thank You!

Next month’s flea market is on March 14 and we have a full house with several new vendors, so if you haven't made it out to one, you should come find a treasure or two. We have a little bit of everything from homemade items to beads, to estate sale items, or maybe check out the storage unit items. You name it we probably have it. It starts at 9 a.m. and runs until 3 p.m., in the youth building.

Thank you to the Tsuga Gallery for the donation of the new display case, it will be greatly appreciated at fair time.

In April we will have our Easter Bingo on April 10 so mark your calendars now for a night of fun.

We are still looking for the 2020 Fair Royalty. Anyone interested should call the office (360)795-3480 and leave a message; I will get back to you ASAP.

In May don't forget the "Crusin’ to the Fair" 2nd Annual Car Show to be held rain or shine on May 30. Entries will be going out soon. We will once again be serving breakfast and lunch and t-shirts will be on site for purchase. We will also have vendors, so mark your calendars.


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