Valentine's Bingo was a huge success! Thank you to our sponsors Walmart in Warrenton, Maria's, Julie's Java, The Pizza Mill, Cathlamet Market, The Eagle, Graggs, Daisy Chain Flowers, The Video Store, Patty Cakes, and the Duck Inn. A good time was had by all and a lot of chocolates were won. The next bingo will be Easter Bingo on April 10 at 6 p.m., in the youth building at the fairgrounds. Come out and have some fun.
The fair board has picked the 2020 Fair Theme "Dancin With The Steers!" We are in need of some superintendants in the T-Building so if you know of anyone who might be interested please call the office and leave a name and number and I will get back to them as soon as possible.
The monthly Flea Market is still the second Saturday of the month (with an exception in May it will be the first Saturday, May 2 due to another event on the 9th) so mark your calendars and come out and grab some treasures.
On May 30 (rain or shine) we will hold the 2nd annual “Crusin’ To The Fair" car show. Registrations will be out soon and I will let you know where you can get one or you can call the office and I will mail you one.
The fair board has one open spot on the board, if you or someone you know is interested please come to the next fair board meeting and get to know the other fair board members. A huge thank you to all board members; they are all volunteers.
It’s time for Fair Royalty: Anyone interested please call the office (360)795-3480.
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