Established as The Skamokawa Eagle in 1891

Assessor offers recap of school district taxes

To The Eagle:

I have been working on getting numbers for Wahkiakum School District 200 and after a bit of hair-pulling, I am ready to share them.

The current taxable value of the district is $428.5M. This excludes $11.0M of value for properties subject to the senior exemption. There are 4,146 properties in the district owned by 2,147 people. 772 properties are exempt (government owned, etc.)

There are 233 personal property accounts valued at $13.8M. Another 166 senior properties contribute $3.1M in value not exempt from taxation.

The remaining 2,975 properties, valued at $411.5M, are owned by 1,777 people. The median value is 84,000. If we focus on single family homes, there are 1,288 homes owned by 1,152 people and valued at $279.4M or 65% of the district. The median value is $210,800.

The tax burden of a bond levy is also spread across the Timber Assessed Value (TAV) of the district. TAV accounts for the district's share of timber excise tax paid when timber is harvested on private or public land in the district. TAV averages $106M over the last 10 years. This year it is $172M.

I hope that this information is useful.

Bill Coons

Wahkiakum County Assessor


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